Thursday, February 14, 2013


I recently joined Unite Blue and OneBillionRising, two organizations which are both concerned with progressing forward in our society and around the world.  And you can get the cool Twibbons on your avatar if you're on Twitter or Facebook.  Check out  At some point, our social welfare must be more important than any political ideology or misogynistic attitude.

I'm rising because I will no longer stand for being abused in ANY way.  

I'm rising because I will no longer stand for injustice anywhere.

I'm rising because I will no longer allow my own self esteem to be influenced by the negative comments of others.

I'm rising for women everywhere who are abused, demeaned, cast aside, and thrown away like garbage.

I'm rising because I will no longer allow others to intrude upon my privacy.

I'm rising because I will no longer accept others defining my place in life.

I'm rising because I will no longer allow others to disrespect me.

I am rising for women everywhere because 1 in 3 are raped around the world.

I am rising for all survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

I am rising for all women everywhere who are paid less than they're worth for doing the same jobs as men.

And I'm rising for women in this country who have had their constitutional rights either taken away or jeopardized by the RWNJs in our government.

Please join us in rising against oppression everywhere!

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