Harvest time again. This time I grew two Timewrecks and one Cheesequake. Gotta love the names. Apparently everyone who is growing Timewreck really likes it. They both got bigger than the Cheese did - spikier colas. The Cheesequake was squattier.
Working with the plants now, stripping leaves before we cut the plants down and hang them, I can really see the wisdom of keeping the lower part of the plant cleaned up and free of small leaves and branches that will never see the light of day. All they end up being is a pain in the ass to deal with when trimming the bud. It's good for tincture and salves, but still, it's annoying.
The Cheese is more pungent than the Timewrecks. I like the smell of the Timewrecks better. I like delicate smells and the Cheese is gamey.
The plants began their lives under T5's during the cloning process. From there, I moved them under LED lighting for veg. Cannabis loves LED lighting for veg. At some point, sometimes they get so big that I have to put them under a bigger T5. When they were ready for flower, they went out to the tent and under two 600w HPS lights. I love tents for growing. They have cool openings for fans and ducting and the frame inside provides a place to hang everything from. They create an enclosed, controlled environment that the plants love.
I'll make oil from most of the harvest. Eventually, although I'll still make and use tincture, oil will be my primary medicine. Thank God for the wonderful Rick Simpson who came up with the recipe, because he continues to be my inspiration in my journey toward health. The girls are below..
Timewreck |
Cheesequake |
Timewreck |
Rick Perry is a shitty guy. He made the predictable, misogynistic response to Wendy Davis's filibuster of SB5. He's calling another special session next week to vote the anti-abortion bill into law. And it will be successful unless or until a court stops it.
You'd think a governor would have more dignity than to dismiss Senator Davis's graduation from Harvard as something she "managed" to do. Mr. Oops also suggested that as a child of a single mother, as well as a teenage mother herself, that she should understand this issue. And yet, he lamented, she doesn't.
Mr. Perry, you look small because you are small. Your condescension only demeans you. Watching all the people in the gallery that night stand in support of Wendy Davis and the women of Texas gives all of us hope that a voice of reason still exists in your state. It's sad that as governor, that doesn't apply to you.
Texas has joined other states that evidently believe that the Constitution really doesn't apply anymore. Abortion is constitutionally protected, yet, states are doing whatever they can to circumvent that. With the conservative activists on the Supreme Court, the Voting Rights Act was effectively gutted when they threw out Section 4. Now, voter ID laws are being implemented. In the case of Texas, that happened just hours after the decision was released. This disenfranchises minority voters the most. But that's not convenient for the conservative agenda. Whatever doesn't serve their needs, they just find a way around...until a court stops them.
The problem is, people suffer while conservatives do this dance. And women in particular will not forget what happens. Three words, Ricky: Governor Wendy Davis.
The Texas legislature is trying to ban abortion statewide with HB60. Extensive testimony was given last night until it was stopped. Rumor has it they may actually vote on Sunday. This is a travesty. It was stated that the testimony was stopped because it was "repetitive". Nice. They didn't want to hear any more personal stories. Because that's what they were. Personal stories that were no doubt difficult to tell, but necessary because no one is listening to us.
Who do these idiot men think they are? You misogynistic assholes make comments as we walk down the street that are unwelcome. You come into our workplaces and make comments that are unwelcome. You continually craft legislation that will make life difficult for us. And yes, that's unwelcome. You control us in our marriages and partnerships because you can't stand the fact that we can think for ourselves and God forbid if that means we disagree with you. Boy are we ever in trouble then! But you know what? We do disagree with you. Vehemently.
The Constitution says that we can have abortions if we want to have them. That doesn't mean that it's now time for states to decide how to circumvent the law and deny us what is our constitutionally protected right. You look like idiots. And women have had enough of idiots making their lives impossible and disrespecting their rights. I'd suggest that women in Texas speak up, but they tried that and were branded "repetitive".
I'm so sorry men didn't get the memo that we don't live in a patriarchal society. You don't own us. You never did. And you never will. Because eventually, life will get difficult for you. Trust me.
The Farm bill just failed in the House. Cue the Speaker is a Loser comments. But it needed to fail because of the cuts to food stamps that were also contained in the bill. The President had already threatened to veto it should it have arrived on his desk. Unfortunately, the Industrial Hemp amendment that was successfully added to the bill, by virtue of that placement, also went down in flames.
I have to wonder why they do things this way in Congress. They know full well that a bill isn't going anywhere, yet they attach other bills to it anyway. Do they think they deserve praise for this? My senator apparently blamed the hippie pot smokers for the last version not passing. I read an article where he seemed to suggest that there was confusion over the difference between industrial hemp and the demon weed. He seemed to suggest that most people believed they were indeed the same plant and that's why the bill failed. Oh right. He can open his mouth and have all that bullshit come out, but he can't open his mouth and educate his brethren about the differences? That was cheap and beneath you, sweetie. Don't do that anymore please. You know, because we all really like you.
Their work is supposed to be about the people. Instead it's about the drama.
I don't know how I feel about this classified document leaking that's been going on. Like most people, I really do want to know what nonsense my government is up to, but leaking can cause folks to die, so I'm conflicted. Anytime someone assumes he or she knows what's best for all, problems will no doubt occur.
Noble action aside, is all this more about the leaker than what's actually being leaked? I've given up being impressed by "I did it for you" because it's never about me. It's always about the choice the other guy makes. But will any of these revelations, be they from Bradley Manning or the new guy, Snowden, ultimately make our country safer? Or do they portend future leaks that won't serve anyone?
I agree that we need to know what our government is up to. Face it, they act with impunity anyway, so we have to know. The unrest in the world typically doesn't happen in a void, so as Americans, we need to know what's being done in our name. Manning is on trial as we speak. Snowden apparently left the country for China of all places. Somehow, I'm a little more on Bradley's side than Snowden's. Can't be noble and then leave town. It feels too hit and run for that.
We've had a long history of civil disobedience in this country. We were essentially founded on it. Of course progressive voices who dare to consider an alternative view of our role in the world are criticized as Socialists or Communists. As if the American experiment is the only correct way to live. Why is it that we fear the very thing that we are?
The United States of America. It's the unity part, folks, that makes us who we are. Yes, we have capitalism. We also have a social contract with each other that brings in a little of that..say it with me now..socialism. Nothing wrong with that. It's how we succeed as a people. Caring. That's at the heart of it all.
We're all connected. Just as the human body needs to work in harmony to grow and be healthy, so do we as a people. If our principles are lofty, then so will be our goals. Maybe we need activists like Manning to remind us of those principles and goals. The Snowden guy...I'm not so sure about him. I just get tired of the government trying on a daily basis to spin a tale that insults us all.