Saturday, June 29, 2013

Harvest time again..

Harvest time again. This time I grew two Timewrecks and one Cheesequake. Gotta love the names. Apparently everyone who is growing Timewreck really likes it. They both got bigger than the Cheese did - spikier colas. The Cheesequake was squattier.

Working with the plants now, stripping leaves before we cut the plants down and hang them, I can really see the wisdom of keeping the lower part of the plant cleaned up and free of small leaves and branches that will never see the light of day. All they end up being is a pain in the ass to deal with when trimming the bud. It's good for tincture and salves, but still, it's annoying. 

The Cheese is more pungent than the Timewrecks. I like the smell of the Timewrecks better. I like delicate smells and the Cheese is gamey.

The plants began their lives under T5's during the cloning process. From there, I moved them under LED lighting for veg. Cannabis loves LED lighting for veg. At some point, sometimes they get so big that I have to put them under a bigger T5. When they were ready for flower, they went out to the tent and under two 600w HPS lights. I love tents for growing. They have cool openings for fans and ducting and the frame inside provides a place to hang everything from. They create an enclosed, controlled environment that the plants love.

I'll make oil from most of the harvest. Eventually, although I'll still make and use tincture, oil will be my primary medicine. Thank God for the wonderful Rick Simpson who came up with the recipe, because he continues to be my inspiration in my journey toward health. The girls are below..




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