Monday, December 31, 2012

Was 2012 the Year in Misogyny?

It was an interesting year to say the least.  In many respects, it represented a turning point in my life.  I finally realized that my happiness doesn't depend upon the happiness of others.  You have no idea how freeing that realization was.  Okay, I realized that years ago, but I have trouble with implementation.  I also learned that I have limits, and it's okay for me to say yes or no, or whatever else I might want to say.  Again, I already knew that.  But menopause does something wonderful for women.  So does healing from a chronic illness.

The veil lifts and we begin to see everything much more clearly.

Sorry about that.

Clarity brings about a willingness to say to the misogynistic men in my life, CHECK YOUR BOUNDARY ISSUES AT THE DOOR.  It really is your only hope, because I no longer care what any of you think of me.  I really was seriously ill, guys.  For eleven years, no less.  When I needed compassion and understanding, you were demeaning and cruel.  You decided it was open-season, and nothing was exempt. You were and are a bunch of bullies.  And, like an idiot, I stood there and took it.  All to preserve the business we own.  

Well's a new day, and a new year.

And I'm done.

Done with being dismissed.  Done with being used and abused.  Done with being disrespected.  Done with the double standards.  Done with unrealistic expectations.  Done with being viewed as less than, yet completely responsible.

I didn't ask for this treatment, yet you all gave it so freely.  The sad thing is, I'm not alone.  Whether it's in my life or in the collective lives of women in this country, misogyny is rampant.  States are furthering the so-called war on women by interfering in well, everything. I thought we had gotten past the idea of delusional white men in charge of a woman's health care.  And I'd say that this makes my problems look small, except that this is how the bigger things start.

Boundary issues happen when people don't know how to respect another's privacy.  Mouths open, words come out, and nothing is ever the same again.  Whether on a personal level, or on a legislative level, it's destructive.  And for the love of whomever they worship, Congress needs to re-authorize the Violence Against Women's Act.  This should be a no-brainer.  The fact that it isn't, is telling.

We're your mothers, daughters, girlfriends, wives, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, and co-workers.  We matter.  Without us, none of you would even be here.  So, stop being stupid.

We saw some misogynists removed from office during the election.  That's a start.  Let's keep the momentum going.  Let's reject this type of behavior.  It sure would be nice if women didn't have to fear the men in their lives anymore.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spoiled Children are Holding our Country Hostage

I don't get this.  President Obama comes back early from a much deserved vacation to deal with this "fiscal cliff" issue, and the GOP bails on both him and us.  Harry Reid apparently said today that time has run out for a deal to get made.  Folks on extended unemployment lose that.  What will they do?  Do the right wing nut jobs even understand that they too have constituents who will be severely affected by this?  The whole tax cut issue pales in comparison to those people who still haven't found a job.  What does an increase in taxes mean to them?  Nothing.  They just want to have food on the table to feed their children.  Oh, and they'd probably like to keep their home as well.

Where is your American Exceptionalism now, Mr. Boehner?  Are you fine with this as long as your rich donors are happy?  You might remember that Romney lost.  We were trying to tell you something by winning some of the seats that the GOP held.  The Occupy movement was trying to tell you the same thing.  We're fed up with your shenanigans. We want this country to move forward, and not in a way that destroys the middle class.

For some reason, you appear to have left reason at the door and are hell-bent on ruining our country just to get the President out of office.  It didn't work, Mr. Boehner.  He's still there. And in two years, if this keeps up, Democrats will take even more seats.  Perhaps we'll take back the House, increase our majority in the Senate, and maybe then we'll move the country forward.

Unless... You could do the right thing.  Be the adult in the room. The American people need to know that you have our backs.  And not poised to stab us there.  Your behavior has consequences.  Please come back to Washington and save our country.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Making Cannabis Oil

Today I made cannabis oil. I used Rick Simpson's  recipe as a guide. It wasn't difficult to do or anything - just time consuming.  Here's how I did it:

Weighed out a pound or so of Flav bud.  I like Flav.  It's mostly indica and has a really nice feel. I use it in tincture as well as capsules.  It's great for pain and for muscle spasms.  I used to get really severe muscle spasms and a couple of hits off a pipe and they were gone.  I've never found anything else that can do that.

Next, we put the bud into a bucket and then poured alcohol over the bud.  You want to cover the bud in alcohol for the best rinse.  We ultimately used 2 gallons of Everclear.  (We saved one bottle of alcohol for the second rinse.)                       
Next, we stirred the bud in the alcohol for around 5 minutes.
Then, we poured the mixture through a colander into another bucket to strain out the alcohol. It was here that I remembered to take pictures. Sorry.

Next, we poured the remaining bottle of alcohol into the bud for the second rinse.  We had to use some from the first pouring to get enough to mix around the bud.
Then, we poured the mixture again through a colander into the other bucket to strain the alcohol out of the plant material.
We ran the alcohol through a finer colander with a coffee filter for one last straining to make sure all the plant material was out of the alcohol.

It was at this point that we began pouring the alcohol into the rice cooker, filling it approximately 3/4 of the way full.  Leave the lid open, or take it off if you can figure out how to do that without breaking it.  I covered it with a screen to keep the crap out of it because we did this outside. Then, as the mixture boiled (I put it on the steam/cook setting) I continued to add more, each time bringing it back to that 3/4 level.

When the mixture had boiled down to about half-way full, using an eye dropper, I added 10 drops of water. 

Then when there was only an inch left, we began swirling the mixture (using gloves).  It got too dark to take a picture, but I think it's self-explanatory.

When it seemed like the alcohol had evaporated, I poured it into a glass measuring cup and put that onto a coffee cup warmer.  I left it on that until the bubbles were no longer visible.  

Lots of folks apparently draw the mixture into a large syringe, but I didn't have one so I put it into a glass jar. It looks like I got about a 1/3 of a cup total. It's really thick and it should do well in a vapor pen.

All in all, this was easy to do.  I didn't use a fan on the cooker because there was a bit of wind today.  And, it's only 40 degrees outside, so that helped keep things stable.  I like medicating with concentrates, so it will be fun experimenting with the oil.  I'll update as I learn more...

Friday, December 21, 2012

From the Chicago Sun-Times..

Here's a link to an article from the Chicago Sun-Times talking about patients and medicinal cannabis.  It's worth a look...

Some pictures...home and shop


The NRA is nuts.

Good God. Wayne LaPierre couldn't bring himself to become a human being today.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

This is getting really old..

Apparently Boehner can't get the votes for his Plan B, which is short for bullshit anyway. I've never understood the GOP's denial of reality.  I guess they don't understand that we don't want what they're selling.  At least I don't.  I want to see us move forward, leaving behind all this drama.  It's demeaning to us all, this ridiculous obstruction.  Prove you care about this country.  Except that you can't. Because you don't.

About that cannabis

In 2010, I became a cannabis patient. I have RA and it's helped immensely. Cannabis has basically saved my life. Although I still use Humira and one other drug, I don't take narcotics, anti-inflammatories or blood pressure pills anymore. My eleven year nightmare seems to be reduced to some lesser symptoms which is a blessing. I had a nine month flare that year that was horrible. It was worse than the other ten years put together. I had to do something. So, after talking to my family, I went to the THC Foundation and got my card.

Now, just so you know, it's not easy to get a card in Oregon.  You actually have to qualify.  I know, many people think this is just a way to get pot legally. Trust me, it's not. It's actually work if you do your own growing.  Then there's the "making of the meds".  Tincture, capsules, salve, all takes time and unfortunately money. As does the growing.  All in all, it's been interesting, expensive, educational, frustrating, and I'd make the same decision again in a heartbeat.

I believe that cannabis regulates our immune system.  We have cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies that interact with the cannabinoids in cannabis to promote healing. I believe that my immune system is more normal now, resulting in less pain, stiffness, and fatigue. I now experience an overall feeling of energy and vitality that I lost for all that time. I take the stairs now in lieu of the elevator. I don't fear going to the grocery store anymore. I can do big box stores with ease.

And the best part...sometimes I have a difficult time remembering what it was like to feel so awful. Cannabis is a plant.  It's NOT a drug.  We've been lied to by our government for so long about this plant that people fear the very thing that can help them. And then the impossible happened...Washington and Colorado legalized. Oregon didn't make it, but we will. And, as Andrew Sullivan always says:  Know Hope!

This is from Tesla

An Introduction of sorts...

My youngest son, when learning that I'm on Twitter and Facebook, said, "Mom, you really need a blog."  So, here it is.  I plan to use it for random musings about all the things I don't understand, and those that I do. Or at least think I do.  I figure, if Margaret and Helen can do it, then so can I. I love those ladies, by the way. Everyone should read what they say. I've been doing so since 2008. They always have a remarkable take on what's happening. It also helps that we're like-minded in our beliefs.

And just a note to Moms everywhere..if you tell your son to elope then you probably should explain what that means. What it doesn't mean is to call your parents and invite them. Especially when one is having surgery that can't be changed. You tell them AFTER it happens. I didn't realize this until it was too late. But the wedding video did help. Still waiting on the pictures. Note to older son..don't even think about it bub.