Saturday, December 22, 2012

Making Cannabis Oil

Today I made cannabis oil. I used Rick Simpson's  recipe as a guide. It wasn't difficult to do or anything - just time consuming.  Here's how I did it:

Weighed out a pound or so of Flav bud.  I like Flav.  It's mostly indica and has a really nice feel. I use it in tincture as well as capsules.  It's great for pain and for muscle spasms.  I used to get really severe muscle spasms and a couple of hits off a pipe and they were gone.  I've never found anything else that can do that.

Next, we put the bud into a bucket and then poured alcohol over the bud.  You want to cover the bud in alcohol for the best rinse.  We ultimately used 2 gallons of Everclear.  (We saved one bottle of alcohol for the second rinse.)                       
Next, we stirred the bud in the alcohol for around 5 minutes.
Then, we poured the mixture through a colander into another bucket to strain out the alcohol. It was here that I remembered to take pictures. Sorry.

Next, we poured the remaining bottle of alcohol into the bud for the second rinse.  We had to use some from the first pouring to get enough to mix around the bud.
Then, we poured the mixture again through a colander into the other bucket to strain the alcohol out of the plant material.
We ran the alcohol through a finer colander with a coffee filter for one last straining to make sure all the plant material was out of the alcohol.

It was at this point that we began pouring the alcohol into the rice cooker, filling it approximately 3/4 of the way full.  Leave the lid open, or take it off if you can figure out how to do that without breaking it.  I covered it with a screen to keep the crap out of it because we did this outside. Then, as the mixture boiled (I put it on the steam/cook setting) I continued to add more, each time bringing it back to that 3/4 level.

When the mixture had boiled down to about half-way full, using an eye dropper, I added 10 drops of water. 

Then when there was only an inch left, we began swirling the mixture (using gloves).  It got too dark to take a picture, but I think it's self-explanatory.

When it seemed like the alcohol had evaporated, I poured it into a glass measuring cup and put that onto a coffee cup warmer.  I left it on that until the bubbles were no longer visible.  

Lots of folks apparently draw the mixture into a large syringe, but I didn't have one so I put it into a glass jar. It looks like I got about a 1/3 of a cup total. It's really thick and it should do well in a vapor pen.

All in all, this was easy to do.  I didn't use a fan on the cooker because there was a bit of wind today.  And, it's only 40 degrees outside, so that helped keep things stable.  I like medicating with concentrates, so it will be fun experimenting with the oil.  I'll update as I learn more...

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