Monday, December 31, 2012

Was 2012 the Year in Misogyny?

It was an interesting year to say the least.  In many respects, it represented a turning point in my life.  I finally realized that my happiness doesn't depend upon the happiness of others.  You have no idea how freeing that realization was.  Okay, I realized that years ago, but I have trouble with implementation.  I also learned that I have limits, and it's okay for me to say yes or no, or whatever else I might want to say.  Again, I already knew that.  But menopause does something wonderful for women.  So does healing from a chronic illness.

The veil lifts and we begin to see everything much more clearly.

Sorry about that.

Clarity brings about a willingness to say to the misogynistic men in my life, CHECK YOUR BOUNDARY ISSUES AT THE DOOR.  It really is your only hope, because I no longer care what any of you think of me.  I really was seriously ill, guys.  For eleven years, no less.  When I needed compassion and understanding, you were demeaning and cruel.  You decided it was open-season, and nothing was exempt. You were and are a bunch of bullies.  And, like an idiot, I stood there and took it.  All to preserve the business we own.  

Well's a new day, and a new year.

And I'm done.

Done with being dismissed.  Done with being used and abused.  Done with being disrespected.  Done with the double standards.  Done with unrealistic expectations.  Done with being viewed as less than, yet completely responsible.

I didn't ask for this treatment, yet you all gave it so freely.  The sad thing is, I'm not alone.  Whether it's in my life or in the collective lives of women in this country, misogyny is rampant.  States are furthering the so-called war on women by interfering in well, everything. I thought we had gotten past the idea of delusional white men in charge of a woman's health care.  And I'd say that this makes my problems look small, except that this is how the bigger things start.

Boundary issues happen when people don't know how to respect another's privacy.  Mouths open, words come out, and nothing is ever the same again.  Whether on a personal level, or on a legislative level, it's destructive.  And for the love of whomever they worship, Congress needs to re-authorize the Violence Against Women's Act.  This should be a no-brainer.  The fact that it isn't, is telling.

We're your mothers, daughters, girlfriends, wives, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, and co-workers.  We matter.  Without us, none of you would even be here.  So, stop being stupid.

We saw some misogynists removed from office during the election.  That's a start.  Let's keep the momentum going.  Let's reject this type of behavior.  It sure would be nice if women didn't have to fear the men in their lives anymore.

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