Monday, October 21, 2013

Keep Calm and #GetCovered! is having some glitches. Did anyone think this wouldn't happen? It's software, people. Yes, it would have been better if the glitches didn't happen, but as I said, it's software. When in our lives has this not happened? And of course, the Tea Party and its cohorts are jumping on the "fire her" bandwagon and are going after Kathleen Sebelius. I hope she doesn't get fired because the website will be fixed and people will get health insurance.

And yet the GOP/Tea Party continues to lie about the non-existent death panels, socialized medicine, and the destruction of small business during the process of covering people with health insurance. Glitches aside, these people simply don't want people to have low-cost health insurance. They call themselves Christian, yet they lack the simple compassion that Jesus embodied toward everyone. Giving people access to affordable health insurance is not a socialist concept. It's a Christian least in the way I understand Christianity. Isn't it time we actually had insurance that covered our health without worrying about whether or not it will continue to cover our ailments as we get older? Why on earth do these people think this is a bad thing?

Look, I know computers can be irritating. Unbeknownst to me, Facebook was down today. I didn't see it, but I understand how easy it is to have terroristic thoughts about computer-related anything. And that's all I'm going to say about that. ;-)

If you've ever been without health insurance, as I have, it's not easy. We had to sell our truck to pay off our youngest because he was our out of pocket C-section baby. The first was too, but we had insurance for him. I made monthly payments after he was born, and when we were down to the last $400 owing on our little darling, we sold the truck. I didn't like the truck anyway, but we have property and we could have used it.

One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is dental insurance. I would hope they included it but I bet they didn't. At some point, we have to understand the connection between our health and our teeth. So if dental insurance isn't covered, it needs to be. We went without dental insurance for so many years, I could only take the boys to the dentist once a year instead of twice for cleanings. The oldest had braces and I paid $90 per month for years to pay that off. I had to change dentists when the dental technician basically called me an unfit mother when she found out that we couldn't afford twice yearly cleanings. I was so glad when we finally got dental insurance. Not every job we had offered it. Eventually the VA offered it and we jumped at it. It's not the best, but it's better than nothing.

So don't listen to the GOP or their insane Tea Party faction. They don't care about you. No clue who or what they care about, but it isn't you. Or me. You don't have to go online to sign up. You can also call and sign up.

We have a chance here to do something great for this country. We have a chance for things to get better from here. We've seen how bad it can get when lunatics are let loose in our government to do as they please. It's hilarious when they say that they need to take back their country. I suggest they go find some other country to take back, because they're not getting this one!

Keep calm and #GetCovered! 
Update: here's the phone number

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