When did an employer have the right to decide what medicine I can have? In all the years I worked for other people, and was lucky enough to have health insurance there, the only issue I faced was, did I have chiropractic, dental and vision. Sometimes I had to get pre-approval for procedures, but never did the subject of birth control come up. So either this was done behind the scenes, or it didn't happen. So why now?
I can only surmise that this has to do with the Tea Partyesque attitudes that seem to have brought our government to a virtual standstill. This need to control women is both diabolical and pathetic.
Men have no right to control anything about women. At some point, this will be made clear to everyone, because we're not taking it anymore. The battle lines have been drawn. And we're more effective than you can imagine. So step back or prepare for battle, because here's some things we're tired of:
- our children dying at the hands of nut jobs with guns.
- our state and federal governments oppressing our vote, our income levels, and our constitutional rights.
- going to prison for defending ourselves from crimes committed against us.
- our children going hungry because 3/4 of us work at minimum wage jobs and the Tea Party wants to take food stamps away from the most vulnerable among us.
- making less than our male counterparts doing the same job.
- the government viewing poor people as drains on our society, while politicians lay prostrate at the feet of the rich who fill their election coffers.
- undocumented families living in the shadows, willing to incur employer abuse so that they can live here. It's slavery and it's illegal.
- our veterans not mattering..oh they matter when you need them to protect us, but then you leave them, and their families, by the wayside when they come back home.
I could go on, but you get the point. Here's the thing. Time is running out for misogynists. Women are stronger than you. Together, we can do anything, including putting you where you belong.
Underestimate us at your peril.
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