Friday, March 14, 2014

Grow Journal - 4th week

Here we are at the end of week 4. My friend, Don, gave us a really great tip that the plants just love! He suggested that we add Organic Sucanat to our water. He said the plants would be in microbial heaven! Guess what! He was right!

Also, people have asked what super soil recipe we use. My husband has modified SubCool's recipe a little bit and this is what we use for our hot mix:

To make half of a batch:

5 - 1.5 cu ft bags of TGA soil or any good soil - ProOrganix is also very good.
2.5 lbs of each:
  crab meal
  bone meal
  blood meal
  bat guano
  alfalfa meal
12.5-25 lbs worm castings
1.5 lbs of each:
  rock phosphates
  oyster shell
  kelp meal
.5 lbs diatomaceous earth
1 T humic acid
4 cups organic brown rice
3 cups green sand
1/2 cup azomite
1/2 cup lime
1/4 cup + 1/8 cup epson salt

We use a turnable compost maker to make this. After a month, it goes into garbage cans for use.

This super soil hot mix goes in the bottom of the pot, then blend in some regular soil, then plant the plant using the regular soil, leaving 4 inches or so at the top to add the super soil hot mix as a dressing later. We still use a little nutrient in the water, and of course take our cues from the plants as to what they need. And now we're adding Sucanat. Very cool stuff.

So here are the ladies after a week..

Filly Bean
day 29

day 22

day 22
day 29


day 22
day 29

The Flav

day 22
day 29


day 22

day 29

Orange Vision
day 29

day 22

And lastly..a view of the room..

Oh, we bought a worm farm. The worms arrive next week. We'll probably keep it in the flower room for CO2 release. I'll include pictures next time. Another month..maybe..basking in the lush!

Happy garden..Happy me! 

~ Blessed Be! ~ 

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