Friday, March 21, 2014

Grow Journal - Week 5 - Lovin' the Lush!

Well, we're at the end of week and the pistils on the buds are beginning to change color. Things are progressing nicely! Still waiting on the worms..but tracking info says they're out for delivery. The farm is in the flower room and ready. Loving the idea of natural CO2!

And now..for the ladies!

 Filly Bean

Day 33
Day 36

Day 33
Day 36

Day 33
Day 36

The Flav
Day 33
Day 36

Day 33
Day 36

Orange Vision
Day 33
Day 36

Group photo
Day 36

As you can see, the ladies are lovin' the lush! Happy plants..happy me!

~ Blessed Be ~ 

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