Here we go again..only now it's the DEA who is spying on us. So much is making sense now. The deck has been stacked against us for so long now that they think nothing of trampling on our civil rights. We've been lied to and manipulated by pros. Huffington Post has a great article from Reuters on the antics of the DEA. Shiffman and Cooke explain in great detail what this special operations group within the DEA is doing to compromise our rights. What I found most remarkable was the idea that they are trained to create alternate reasons for what they do, effectively eliminating the accused's right to know just how they got arrested in the first place. The article suggested that this deception is not only directed at the accused and their attorneys but also to judges as well. Why do we even bother then with trials? Might as well just arrest whomever, lock them up and throw away the key.
Here's the link to the Reuters article on HuffPo:
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