I have to confess, I've always liked Sanjay Gupta. I remember something about him assisting in brain surgery with the Devil Dogs in Kuwait or somewhere over there. He was there as a journalist I guess, but it didn't matter. And it was cool to see his focus change and go into doctor mode. Only the patient mattered at that point. That told me something about him. Someone was in need and he could help. And he did. I was surprised that he wrote the article he did about cannabis. It seemed too rote. Too much the party line. And then we discovered that he's been busy doing some research and put together a documentary on cannabis.
Wow. How huge is that!
After watching it, I can honestly say, it's pretty huge. Good for him. And he didn't shy away from the tough issues regarding children. Except they really aren't tough issues at all. Of course we don't want children smoking cannabis. But there's clearly nothing wrong with giving children ingested forms such as tincture or oil when they have conditions that improve no other way. Autism, seizures, cancer.. all are helped if not cured with cannabis. Why wouldn't we give this to our children. Some have little time. They can't wait until adulthood. I mean, we love them, don't we?
I tearfully watched Chaz Moore become instantly better after a hit off a pipe. He was able to speak clearly. I know first hand how cannabis can stop muscle spasms. I used to have incapacitating muscle spasms when my RA was so severe and one or two hits off of a pipe would immediately stop them. I understand that feeling when the pain goes away, and the ability to function normally returns. There's nothing like it. To have no hope. And then you do.
I loved the segment in Israel. Those folks have been at the forefront of cannabis research forever. Their government gets what ours refuses to see. Cannabis has medicinal value and to not research that is just stupid. The patient using the Volcano vaporizer got immediate relief from nausea from his chemo treatments. Can you imagine when they stop using chemo and begin using oil instead? It's coming. Primarily because none of us will shut up about it.
But the Holocaust survivor using cannabis for his PTSD as well as other ailments affected me the most. As an survivor of sexual assault I too use cannabis for my own PTSD. Traumatic events change people whether they're continual or sporadic or only one time. It doesn't matter. Cannabis helps me not dwell. It helps me not have abuse reactions. It helps me stay present in the moment, instead of somewhere else destructive. It helps me stay in control. It frees me to be creative and joyful.
We need the lies to stop and the truth to come out. It's emotional for those of us who have had our lives changed by cannabis. There's hope for healing with this amazing plant. Hope that just doesn't seem to exist in the same way with other treatments. Compounds in cannabis apparently kill cancer by either killing the tumor outright, or by destroying the blood supply to the tumor. Without that, the tumor evidently dies on its own. There are people who use cannabis oil to treat their cancer and survive. And they do so without the damaging effects of chemo or radiation.
I am more healthy now than I have ever been in my life. That wouldn't have happened without cannabis. I still have RA, but it's finally under control. I'm blessed to live in a progressive state that legalized medical cannabis in 1998. I became a patient in 2010 at a time when I was so sick that I thought I wouldn't survive. I was in an excruciating flare that would last over a year. At times I was nearly incapacitated. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. So I contacted the THC Foundation and after they reviewed my medical records, they gave me an appointment. I saw the doctor and was approved for the card. I read everything I could find on treating RA with cannabis. We grew the plants; I made the medicine. I made tincture and capsules with cannabis infused coconut oil. And I got better..quickly. And you know, some days it's hard to remember just how sick I was.
So thanks, Sanjay.. and keep researching. A weekly show with your findings would also be nice!
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