Well folks, Illinois just became the 20th state to legalize medicinal cannabis. August 11th, Sanjay Gupta will air a documentary on cannabis on CNN that he's been working on for a while now. We have an important ally. Imagine that! A brain surgeon who investigated and came to the conclusion that cannabis has such a potential for healing. And he's talking about it! To everyone! The floodgates are open and truth is spilling out everywhere. The government will not be able to deny any longer what so many of us have known for a long time. Cannabis heals.
And no, it's not the time for Big Pharma to synthesize cannabis out of existence. It's the whole plant that we need - not some unreasonable facsimile of. And we don't need any arbitrary nano amount for DUID. You can't use the same standard you use for alcohol. It's different, particularly when you ingest instead of inhale. Your body processes cannabis differently when ingested and typically doesn't have the "high" that goes along with bong hits, for example. I juice raw cannabis and can attest to the fact that there is no high associated with its consumption.
We can't just legalize cannabis - either for recreation or medicine - and still use the dishonest approach we've always used when making laws and rules. If there was ever a time to get this right, this is that time. We have to take a different approach. At least someone finally stepped in in Colorado and prevented the porn magazine law from affecting cannabis magazines. See, this is what I'm talking about. People need to calm down and stop trying to circumvent a sane approach to legalization. We don't need controlling. If it's legal in a particular state, then it's legal. Various cities should not have the ability to control whether or not they follow that law. The Feds need to stop raiding dispensaries. If those dispensaries are violating their state law, then local police are more than capable of investigating and dealing with that. If they need help, I'm certain they have the ability to ask. Also, don't tax the businesses out of existence. And the IRS needs to view dispensaries as businesses..not as drug traffickers. That also goes for the landlords of these places. Stop harassing and threatening building owners for renting space to dispensaries. They're not in violation of their state law. And whatever else happens, we cannot allow recreational legalization to harm patient access to their medicine. One doesn't have to impact the other.
Uruguay is poised to legalize cannabis. Former President Fox of Mexico is on board with legalization. Justin Trudeau in Canada is pro-legalization. When are we going to pull our heads out of our asses and stand with truth? Industrial hemp is starting to be legal here. It never should have been prohibited in the first place. Sure would make farmers happy to actually grow something that could make such a positive contribution to society. Vested interest drove prohibition. Truth did not. Are we tired yet of vested interest controlling our lives? I'm pretty sure I am. But we must stay vigilant. And we must keep sharing the truth!
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