Thursday, February 20, 2014

Grow Journal - 2nd entry - 1st week of flower

Day 1

Day 2
The second entry of my pictorial grow journal is showing vegetative growth after switching to a 11hrs on/13hrs off flower cycle. Plants are grown under Dominator XL LED lighting from Lush Lighting.                                

Day 3
Day 4

I confess..Day 5 is not there.  I was there. My memory was  not. So, no picture. But they  did grow that day..promise!

Day 6
Day 7

No buds yet..but then it's only been a week..they're still stretching. Eventually, I'll show pictures of bud development on each of them. But for now, it's the canopy..

One last picture..well, two.. under the canopy and no, that's not where day 5 went..and my first seeds! I call them RipperWise..they're Jack the Ripper x Pennywise. The picture includes both mature and immature seeds from five buds I pollinated on one branch.


I LOVE growing stuff!

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