Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Disrespect over governing..

Once again, Senate Republicans have blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act..evidently this makes the third time. Why can't these idiots understand that women deserve to be paid the same as a man for doing the same work? Oh, they'd have a hissy fit if it happened to any of them. But women aren't apparently worth the same in the workplace. Or any other place it seems.

It's sad that we need a law enacted to protect us from business owners who can't seem to do right by us. Equal pay should be a given. I remember when I was in high school and my mother was dealing with this crap. She did everything a male supervisor did and got half as much in her paycheck as the guy did. The company's attitude was that men were the breadwinners and women worked to bring in fun money to the family. Fun money..can you imagine that? My mother, at that time, was still married to my father and we needed both paychecks to make it each month. This inequality continued after they were divorced and she was a single mother. Women were second class citizens then, and if the Republicans have their way, we will be again.

Women work hard. We work hard at our respective jobs (many times minimum wage jobs) and then we have to come home and work hard there as well, taking care of our families. We put up with sexual harassment and if we speak up, we're denigrated even further. After all, it's just a compliment, right? We're too emotional, right? Wrong. We also want affordable health insurance for ourselves and our families. The Republicans have voted over fifty times to repeal the Affordable Care Act. What's wrong with them??? Why do they not want us to have health insurance that actually covers what we need it for? What are they afraid of?

Which brings up reproductive remember those..we dealt with this a long time ago. Abortion and birth control are legal. But you'd think the Republicans were absent that day because they are still sticking their noses in our constitutionally protected business. Leave us alone. Mind your own business. No one is going to tell me what I can do with my body..not now..not ever. And guess what..I don't know any women out there who feel any different about this than I do. Except those empty headed idiots on FOX. Where on earth did they find these women? They're beyond clueless and only serve to further on the ridiculous Republican male obsession with our vaginas. 

Michael Hayden, former Director of the NSA, thinks that Senator Dianne Feinstein is too emotional when talking about the report on torture. I love it when men go there. She put him in his place..fussy baby that he is. Emotional? Just listen to my husband talk about torture. Emotional doesn't even begin to describe how he feels about it. He's a disabled Vietnam Veteran. He wants the entire Bush Administration put in prison for, well, everything. It doesn't matter if it's torture or the financial crisis, he wants all of them in jail. Here's the thing about torture. It's illegal. Any service member who was given the order to torture has the responsibility to refuse that order. To participate in such atrocities is a war crime in his belief. He goes completely ballistic (emotional) when he hears Cheney or Rummy defend what they did. And for President Bush to say now that he's concerned about the soldiers that served is too appalling for words. He should have thought about that before instituting stop-loss. He can save his concern for someone who buys into his crap, because no one is listening anymore.

I would like to see all of them lose in the next election because that's what they deserve. We have to get our country back on track. We need lawmakers who understand the constitution and have a genuine desire to make life better for the American people. We need Congress to behave like adults and remember why they were elected. We need compassion and respect that clearly doesn't exist now. Unfortunately, that doesn't exist in the Republican Party or their Tea Party subset. When conservatism devolves into the radical destruction of our country, we cannot afford to have them in government any longer.

Besides..the sisterhood is weary of it all. So, either learn to play nice or go away. Or we'll make your lives a living know, by voting.

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