The end of the world is not upon us. Armageddon, the Apocalypse, it's all a metaphor for the end of an age..not the planet. We're not going to be physically taken up in any sort of Rapture. That's not what's happening. We've forgotten why we're here in the first place. We've forgotten who we actually are. We've forgotten that we are One with Source and with each other. We've forgotten that we can experience Heaven on Earth together. But none of that matters..the time is now for Oneness and no matter what roadblocks are put up, nothing is going to prevent that.
The energy frequency of the Earth is increasing. We can no longer turn our backs on how we choose to live here. We must learn that living in harmony with and protecting our wonderful Gaia is critical. That means that collectively we have to deal with climate change, war, our ecosystem, and everything else that takes instead of gives. We don't have time for denial any longer. As the Earth's frequency increases, more and more Empaths, Indigo and Crystal children have been born to help usher in the new age where intuition and love will guide our relationships as well as our very existence. Angelic presence is felt by many who have also learned to ask for angelic guidance in their daily lives. The purpose of all of this is to help with that increase in frequency and to live in Oneness with others.
The old paradigm is ending. It has no choice. It's nasty and hurtful and we watch as some of our lawmakers try to preserve the status quo by endless repeal attempts of our new healthcare law, voter suppression, the war on women and the middle class, and the disrespect and vitriol shown to our President. Try as they might to preserve the unworkable, we know that separation serves no one and will only lead to our destruction. But that's not going to happen. It's going to be difficult as the new age begins. It won't be comfortable. Those people who insist on separation will have an awful time because unity will ultimately prevail.Those who join in Oneness will have a better experience. So, if you've chosen separation, you might want to rethink that and be part of something amazing! Because it really is okay to care about people.
So, what on earth is an empath and how do we help bring about this inevitable change?
Empathy. We all have it to some degree. It's the ability to feel what others put ourselves in the shoes of someone else. Some of us, however, function as empaths. We feel everything. The fact is, all we are is energy...everything is, and our energetic bodies are actually more prominent than our physical bodies. We only have them as a temporary manifestation or projection so that we can experience life here in duality. Empath energy is faster than our physical energy so empaths must find a way to balance the two to stay present and to avoid illness. That increased energy flow is great when nothing interferes with it, but not everyone is comfortable being around us. We can do or say absolutely nothing, and still affect them. Somehow, they feel judged I guess, although that's not actually happening. Knowing isn't the same as judgment, but evidently it feels that way to others. It's like when you feel that someone can see right through you. Don't worry, it was just me and I'm not a threat at all. I see how you became the way you are..and all the childhood pain that brought you here. And I feel only compassion..
Although there are many similarities in empath expression, not everyone shares the same gifts or intensity. It's more of a continuum, I think. For me, it feels like my energetic or empathic body is more active and present than my physical body. And I see everything at once - the whole picture of something or someone. It may come as a simple awareness, or in great detail. Most say that they experience a general knowing about things that they have no personal knowledge of. Also, most share the gift of knowing when someone is lying. We're all clairsentient in some fashion, some more than others. Some are able to see non-corporeal entities and some aren't. Some are pre-cognitive, and some are telepathic. Or, if you're like me, a universal or implicate empath, you experience all of it in one form or another. It's weird, exhilarating, annoying, and amazing all at the same time. We're not insane, or crazy, although we might feel that way sometimes. I think we're just not completely "here". I think we're mostly "there". And that's why there are so many of us now helping to bring about a better life for all of us to experience.
Empaths feel such a responsibility to get things right. We want to make sure people are safe and happy. We want to make sure the truth is both revealed and preserved. We're viewed as over-sensitive, over-reactive, over-you name it. Then we run around in an attempt to fix everyone's attitude toward us. It's as if we hand our feelings to others on a silver platter to do with as they will in an effort to preserve our place in their lives.
So why do we do this? We learn early on to respond in ways that mitigate whatever situation we're in. Unfortunately, truth isn't served this way, and eventually, it comes out anyhow. It also doesn't develop our empath abilities when we suppress our knowing to make our parents, teachers and friends more comfortable. But that's what we do to survive. In my case, it had the opposite effect. I seemed to become more aware which helped in negotiating my way through that family.
I understand why some empaths choose a solitary life. It's easier than dealing with all the disparate energies around us. I'm about there, myself. Even traveling around the town where I live can be challenging. Volatility abounds out in the world and I pick up on it as I drive down the road. It's really freaky when we walk, which we do daily. Stores of any size can also be difficult, big box stores in particular. I don't always know where I begin and others leave off. And it's not always easy to center to figure it out when around volatile emotions. I was in a Costco recently and I had to cut the shopping trip short due to the frenetic energy inside. Energy was hitting me like gangbusters and I couldn't think clearly. I kept looking around to see if someone was about to attack me, but no one was even paying any attention to me. It was probably the worst experience I've ever had as an empath. The energy was so strong that I couldn't get control until after I left.
Living in the world, particularly now, requires engagement. It's critical that empaths understand how to engage in a way that not only helps others with their energy issues, but also prevents more vampiric energy from setting up house in your energy field. Most energy vampires don't realize what they're doing anyway, but some do and we really have to be vigilant with those people. They invade with intention and it's, well, icky. The others are usually just upset about something and choose empaths when needing to get something off their chest. And it doesn't seem to matter if they're complete strangers. Typically it happens to me in the check out line at the grocery store. I try to be supportive and respectful while keeping my frozen stuff frozen all at the same time.
Many empaths grow up in abusive situations and feel as if we're born into the wrong family. Like we were switched at birth at the hospital or something. Except that we weren't. At some point, however, if we're going to be of help in this transition, we need to get a handle on what we're experiencing so that we can foster positive outcomes instead of wondering what the hell just happened.
So we have three options..we can engage, disengage, or observe. Observe, not absorb..that's the motto. That's the safest option, but it's not always realistic. It can make us seem aloof or indifferent to others, when nothing could be further from the truth. It's not uncommon for empaths to find work as healers of some type, so engagement for those folks is necessary. But are these three options mutually exclusive? I don't think so. Instead of observer, perhaps we can think of it is simply remaining non-judgmental. And maybe that's the key to the entire transition as we go forward.
Judgment involves the past and vain imaginings of the future. If we eliminate that and understand our essential Oneness, it becomes easier to maintain the higher frequency that's needed for the transition. Everyone will benefit from this. Even the people who resist. It just may take them a little longer to realize that. Eventually, even the most resistant will ultimately rest in the loving embrace of Family. And then they'll wonder what all the fuss was about. Staying in the Holy Instant, as A Course in Miracles suggests, is key, because there, we exist only in Love and extend that outward to everyone. And as we are all energy, all benefit from that loving extension.
But here's the cool part. As empaths, we don't have to fix any of the problems affecting the world unless we want to be a part of that. We only have to stay in the Holy Instant and be loving. That's it. Not everyone can be an activist for change. We simply need to keep our energy in balance and send out loving intention. Instead of reducing our energy frequency to match others, remain present, non-judgmental, and let others rise to ours. Trust me, it feels so much better to do that. I spent years engaging in other people's drama and all it got me was seriously ill, so it's far better the other way. Engagement doesn't always fix the drama, so deal with whatever you must, but stay as non-judgmental as possible in the process. Drama has only the meaning we give it. It has little power on its own. Staying firmly in the Holy Instant keeps us in the positive flow of creation. Anything less is fuel for more drama. It's better to remain part of the solution.
So, as we go forward into the new age, empaths should learn as much as possible about how they experience their time here. Less reaction, more observation, and knowing when to disengage will not only make our experience in this life less upsetting, but also make us more helpful to others. As the frequency rises, we'll have a much easier time of things and the oneness that we crave will prevail. And there's so much more support out there now for empaths. Lightworkers abound and are ready to help in any way possible. Empath forums exist to provide connection with other empaths to help as you discover more about your reality. We are living in exciting times. Let's embrace this transition together.
~ Blessed Be
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