Friday, January 25, 2013

Get out the popcorn; this will make my neighbor's head explode. is reporting that Oregon has a bill before the state legislature that would re-schedule cigarettes to Schedule III and require a doctor's prescription to purchase them.

From the article:
"Sponsored by Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland), the bill, House Bill 2077, would make violations a Class A misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of up to one year in prison, a $6,250 fine, or both. The same penalty would apply to both possession and distribution."

Sometimes we get it right here in Oregon. The current no-smoking law says you can't smoke within 10 feet of any building entrance.  This is really stupid.  10 feet isn't enough to protect anyone.  The clinic I go to has a sign saying that smoking is only permitted inside vehicles - not in the parking lot, or up by the entrance.  I wish Oregon would amend it's bill to require that.  As someone who has an allergic reaction to cigarette smoke (my throat becomes inflamed and swells, my head hurts, I experience nausea) that aspect of the law does nothing to protect me.

The neighbor mentioned in the title is a smoker and is a tenant whose business is next door to ours.  He's not allowed to smoke in the building but we've put up with it for years. Now he smokes outside, but it took around seven years of complaining before he finally stopped.

I lost my mother to COPD and congestive heart failure.  She smoked until my brother carried her into the emergency room in 1986.  I should re-phrase that.  She smoked her last cigarette AS he was carrying her into the ER.  She received her diagnosis that day.  She died ten years later.  If this bill will help other people to re-think their decision to smoke, then pass it.

Cigarette smokers no longer rule the day here in Oregon.  Health does.

Here's a link to the article:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh look what's happening in New Mexico

Republican State Rep. Cathrynn Brown introduced House Bill 206 in the New Mexico legislature to criminalize rape/incest victims when seeking an abortion after being raped.  Is this woman nuts or what? She may be pro-life, but abortion is the law of the land.  Abortion isn't "evidence tampering".  These women are victims, not criminals and how dare she treat them as such.

Here's a link to the article in Huffington Post by Laura Bassett:  Read it and weep.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It Takes Courage.

I posted a picture on my Facebook page entitled 15 Things to Give Up.  It's essentially a list of behaviors that many of us engage in which are counterproductive to our happiness and success in life.  Three of the items listed I really need to focus on.  I know I'm not alone in this.  Many women do the same silly things that I do.  But these three things intertwine and reinforce each other, so they're important to look at.

People pleasing is one.  I do that.  And I do it at the expense of my own needs, as well as my own dignity.  It's never a good idea to give yourself away.  All that happens is that you lose power, and those that don't deserve power actually gain it.  It leads to others taking advantage and that's not good for anyone.  It's okay to set boundaries and say no.

I also engage in negative self-talk.  That's really destructive.  I suppose it's related to that people pleasing thing.  I can convince myself of all kinds of stupid things that have no basis in reality.  I gain nothing and cause myself endless and unnecessary grief.  Judgment serves no purpose.

Lastly, I engage in self-doubt.  I'm too willing to let others define what I'm allowed to do or to be.  Years ago I had this job where one of my co-workers shared my first name.  And not just the given name, but all the nicknames that might go with it.  I was left with my co-workers deciding what name I would be called.  It ended up being my first and last name.  The whole thing.  And yes, it was weird.  I was too worried about losing that job to protest.  And because my supervisor was the only other person who had a college degree, I was not permitted to talk about my "time in college" so that none of my co-workers would be upset.  Upset.  Really.  I bought into it hook, line and sinker.


The reality is, I've accomplished much in my life.  I graduated high school in three years.  I began college at sixteen and graduated when I was twenty.  I raised two boys, homeschooling them for part of their lives.  Both are now college graduates and are successful in their fields.  I used to grow massive gardens and preserve everything for the winter.   And I can flood-irrigate a pasture like nobody's business.  I trained for and earned a black belt in karate.  I've owned two businesses - a karate school and currently a motorcycle shop.   But the three things I listed above made all that far more difficult than it ever needed to be.

As a woman, the pressure is on to conform, to not speak up, to not demand respect.  Owning the motorcycle shop is interesting, because believe it or not, not every guy who comes in the door is respectful.  Sometimes they can be real assholes.  I felt in the past that if I called them on their crap that I would lose business...and not just from the offending person.  I cherish the guys who aren't like this.  I really do.  They are a true blessing in my life.  The others think I should be seen and not heard.  I'm not supposed to know more than they do about their motorcycles.  Problem is, I do.  Sorry about that.  I guess they thought I was only there to answer the phone.

Owning the karate school was also interesting because often the only time the guys were respectful was when they couldn't remember something.  Oh boy, they loved me then.  Our school wasn't exactly a cake walk either.  To succeed students had to really be focused on their training.  Our style required body contact, albeit controlled, and without that focus, other students could be injured. The fact that I was the only person in the school to earn a black belt seemed to slip right by them.  The fact that I was one of their instructors did as well.

I used to get so upset when my mother would say, if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.  I thought that was so arrogant.  I thought it meant that she thought only she was the capable one.  I was so offended by that attitude.  Now I know that wasn't what she meant.  She meant that sometimes it was simply easier to chart your own course.  Take responsibility for the task at hand.  Less drama that way.  She died in 1996.  I wish I would have realized this sooner and shared that realization with her.  She worked tirelessly, while married to my father, and even harder after their divorce.  She deserved far more support and appreciation from me than I gave her.

At some point, as women, we have to connect with the fact that we are inherently worthwhile, and we don't need anyone else to define that for us. It's important that we acknowledge our accomplishments and be comfortable doing so. We need to stop judging ourselves so harshly.  And we need to have courage.  Courage to let others sit with their feelings when we set boundaries they might not like.  Courage to appreciate our strengths.  Courage to demand respect from others who are insensitive.  Courage to let consequences be.  Courage to face the possibility that we may need to go it alone in life.  Marriage and family might not be in the cards for all women.  Working for others may not be either.  

And a final note to the sisterhood out there...the next time one of you decides not to be supportive of other women, just stop and think for a moment.  If we don't support one another, who else is there?  Who else understands what we go through?  I couldn't watch the hearings today on Benghazi.  I couldn't watch the senators and congressmen disrespect Secretary Clinton the way some of them did.  She's not the enemy.  Their asinine attitudes are.  As are those pesky fifteen things we ALL need to give up.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stupid Approaches to Marijuana

I just finished reading an article in Huffington Post from cannabis activist Russ Belville about Patrick Kennedy's new program called SAM - Smart Approaches to Marijuana.  It's frightening.  There's nothing smart about it.  So will this be the last ditch attempt to control cannabis users?  Unfortunately, it's probably just one more in a long line of ridiculous measures of control that are as insulting as they are useless.  

Cannabis is a plant.  It is not a drug.  I am not a drug addict.  I am a RA patient who either wouldn't be alive now, or would be even more seriously ill than I was, if I hadn't begun medicating with cannabis.  Eleven years of hell, with the eleventh year worse than the other ten combined.  Nothing was working.  Nothing.  And Mr. Kennedy wants to consider ME an addict?  Is he kidding?  

He's as confused as everyone else is in the government.  We were lied to folks, and all Mr. Kennedy is doing is perpetuating that lie.  Maybe he should, you know, research this plant.  Talk to patients.  Talk to doctors who recommend it.  Talk to people who have survived cancer using concentrated cannabis oil.  This happens all the time now.  

Cannabis is NOT addictive.  What cannabis does, is heal the body.  I don't are if anyone believes me.  I know it does this because I'm living proof.  So Mr. Kennedy, find something else to do.  It should be easy enough.  Please just leave the rest of us alone.  And Russ, thanks for your continued voice in this battle.  The link to his article is below:

Monday, January 21, 2013

We The People

I wasn't able to watch the entire inauguration; I came in just before Vice President Biden was sworn in by Justice Sonya Sotomayor.  A Latina Supreme Court Justice swearing in the Vice President! How amazing was that! Thank you, Mr. President, for appointing this intelligent woman to the bench.

The President's speech was a powerful message to us all.  We've lost our way in this country.  We think the possession of assault weapons trumps the safety of our children.  The conservative legislators in Washington are hell-bent on taking away health care for women.  They also think they can gerrymander voter districts so that they win elections when they actually lost.  They think they can intimidate voters on election day into not voting.  Of course this only seems to affect Democrats who are running for office.  And, obviously, if a Democrat wins then they did it by cheating.

President Obama also mentioned issues that perhaps have never been mentioned before in an inaugural speech.  He emphasized equality - for everyone...and particularly LGBT citizens.  He spoke about American exceptionalism in the way it should be, not about how a measured few succeed, but how we all succeed.  He got back to our roots, and what the essence of our country should be.  He also mentioned climate change as well as our safety.  These are the things we need to focus on.  Bringing us back together to work for positive change that elevates us all.

We The People.  It's a powerful phrase.  It's our reality.  Now we just need to remember that.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Another batch of oil.

Update:  This time I used 99% isopropyl alcohol and I got a little over 1/3 cup after it reduced down.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gluten-Free Tortillas with Coconut Flour

Gluten-Free Tortillas with Coconut Flour

I'm going to try this.  I'll update when I know how it worked..

Update:  These were okay. I think next time I'll add some additional spices to the batter though. They should keep in the refrigerator for a couple of days, assuming they last that long.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

We should know better...

I'm glad we're talking about gun control.  The conversation has been enlightening.  I'm not sure why we allow private citizens to own military-style weapons in the first place.  I knew that sometimes background checks weren't done, but I had no idea that the percentage is as high as it is.  And it seems that the NRA has, through its lobbying efforts, been able to stymie efforts to even appoint an ATF Director.  Every time I turn on the news I hear about someone trying to incite others to take up arms against the government.  One guy actually said he would start killing people if the government came after his weapons.  Law enforcement reportedly pulled his carry permit for saying that.  Probably for the best.

The government is not coming after existing weapons.  Even if there are some who want to do that, it won't happen.  Existing weapons will be grandfathered in.  So any ban on assault weapons will only affect future gun sales.  It doesn't stop anyone who already has an assault weapon from going postal and shooting up another first grade class.  So far, this just feels like going through the motions to me.

When a mother allows her psychologically disturbed son to have easy access to weapons, how does Congress deal with that?  How does anyone?  It's not as if she's going to advertise it.  Odds are, we're not going to know until it's too late.  I don't know how we fix that.

I do agree with the President, however, when he said that even if it just saves one person, we have to at least try.  But it's going to take everyone to dial back the rhetoric and the fear-mongering so we can come up with meaningful legislation that can begin to move this issue forward.  I say begin because I believe this will need to evolve over time.  I'm sure it won't be a one-time effort because parties on both sides of the aisle are not only dysfunctional but also beholden to the gun lobby to fund their election coffers.  And clearly getting re-elected matters more than anything else to them.

I don't know how we got here as a nation.  To think that someone's so-called "right" to own an assault weapon trumps the safety of innocent children is appalling.  As a mother, the prospect of losing one of my boys because some asshole wakes up one day and decides to go kill people, enrages me.  And I don't understand anyone who doesn't feel the same way.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Respect Medical Cannabis Laws

I love President Obama.  I really do.  I think he's just awesome.  I love his family.  And I really love Uncle Joe.  We couldn't have better people in office right now.  However....please stop the arrest/trial/conviction of legal dispensary owners.

A letter appeared in Huffington Post, written by Molly Davies who asked the President why her husband faces 10 years in federal prison for simply following California's medical cannabis laws.  It was heartbreaking to read how terrified she and her children are regarding their future.  If it's true that DOJ has bigger fish to fry as you told Barbara Walters, then for heaven's sake, this guy isn't it.

All he wanted to do was to help people who would benefit from cannabis.  This is huge deal, Mr. President. Surely you realize this.  Dispensary owners are not traffickers.  And, if you think this isn't going to affect patients (you remember them, they're the people with cancer, alzheimers, arthritis, celiac, crohns, diabetes, PTSD, etc) you're seriously mistaken.  Not everyone can grow their own medicine, Mr. President.  Those of us fortunate enough to do so spend a fortune doing this.

I get that you have to enforce federal law.  But if you aren't going to go to court to enforce DOMA, then why this?  Cannabis should have never been taken from us.  It was politics and greed that motivated its prohibition.  Read Molly's letter.  Let it sicken you.  Because it should.  You said you wouldn't go after anyone who was following state law.  I know you're a man of your word.  Don't fall short; be that man now.

Here's the link to Molly's letter:,b=facebook

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gang rape again in Inda

Doug Barry, in Jezebel, writes about the latest woman in India who was gang-raped.  The bus driver refused to stop in her village, driving instead to a building where they were joined by 5 of his "friends" who raped her.  Once again, six men brutally violated this woman all night long.  The driver eventually took her back to her village the next morning where she's reportedly recovering at her home.

Is any woman safe in India?  Are any of us really safe here?  Here's a link to Dave Barry's article:


Saturday, January 12, 2013

LED lighting

We use many forms of lighting when growing medical cannabis.  I investigated LED's because they use so little electricity.  LED lights work really well during the vegetative period.  Hanging a large CFL along side the panels aids as well, but it's not required.  If LED's are used during flower, the buds are typically not as large as with HPS lighting, or when grown outdoors.

Below are two examples of plants grown under (1) a UFO, and (2) under panels.  The first picture is of various newer clones; the second is of two Jack the Ripper plants.  We added a CFL in the middle of the panels for additional light.  It's hard to really see the plants under the UFO with the glare from the mylar as well as from the light itself.  

Various plants not yet in larger pots
Two Jack the Ripper plants in veg.

Lighting isn't cheap, and sometimes patients live in older homes where they only have so much power.  LED's can be a reasonable option for them.  Smaller buds process into medicine just as well as big buds.  With LED's it's a win win - less heat, less electricity cost.  Plus they look awesome!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Crap, we're not getting a Death Star

I cannot possibly do this justice.  Just go read it for yourself.


Reciprocity can mean a couple of things. Several states permitting the use of medical cannabis for residents who qualify also allow visiting medical cannabis patients to use their medicine as well.  Arizona, Maine, Michigan, Montana, and Rhode Island all engage in this type of reciprocity.  Other states, including Oregon, allow patients from other states to apply for and receive a medical cannabis card so that they can come to the state and medicate legally.  That's another version of reciprocity.

What isn't clear is how do we travel on airplanes or through states that don't either have medical cannabis or reciprocity and remain legal?  I've read some accounts of TSA ignoring the meds they see when checking bags.  But there's no definitive law on this, so it's always a risk for a patient to travel by air with their medicinal cannabis.

Reciprocity is essential when traveling from one medical state to another.  As part of that, we can also agree on an acceptable means of transporting our meds, as well as how we medicate when we get there.  This is not trafficking, folks.  It's just trying to stay healthy while we're not in our home state.

How 'bout we just legalize it everywhere?  Add industrial hemp to the mix, and we can move forward in an intelligent, thoughtful way that respects both truth and the individual.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vaporizer comparison

So, after making RSO, I had to have a way to medicate with it.  Of course, I LOVE shopping, so online I went to find vapor pens.  Okay, I already had an Atmos Raw so I knew these pens existed.  Then there's the fact that they're adorable.  I know I'll stop buying them at some point, but how do you know what you like if you don't have a variety to choose from?

So here's what I have and what I think of them...such as it is.

Cannacig - I like this little pen.  It's elegant and not messy.  I hate messy.  I've been told it's similar in nature to e-cigs, but I've never smoked so I know nothing about that.  I like it because I don't have any buttons to push.  Inhaling activates the heater and it creates a nice vapor.  And, unbeknownst to me when I ordered it, it came with essentially two Cannacigs in the box.  I'd recommend this one to anyone.  Contact these really nice folks at

Atmos Raw - This pen works well and can take other add-ons such as the oil reservoir you can buy.  The pen itself is for actual herb, not oil. It doesn't leave usable herb the way a real vaporizer does, but it works. Now, when I use the oil reservoir with it, I use a glycerin based tincture and vaporize that.  That works REALLY well.  Contact them at  They have lots of replacement parts and other helpful things.

Atmos Nail - I use this one without the nail because my oil is thick.  With thinner oil, I'd use the nail.  This pen is nice.  Also contact them at

Atmos has another pen called the A Pen.  It's for oil as well.  It arrived with a nifty carrying case which I'll probably use for other pens as well.  It works the way the Atmos Raw with the oil reservoir works.

Another place I get vaporizers from is  They don't have the Cannacig, but they have the Volcano and just about everything else that's out there.  I've bought a bunch of stuff from them and I've never had any problems at all.  And I always get my orders quickly.

So, to sum up, I clearly need a 12 step program to control my need to have EVERYTHING.  But I do believe that redundancy is, you know, a good thing, so I don't see anything changing at least for a little while.  And, after all, they are adorable! ;-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hilarious :-)

davidfrum (@davidfrum) tweeted at 4:00 AM on Tue, Jan 08, 2013: Maybe the best answer to why women reject libertarianism is that so many women feel they already spend enough time with toddlers 


Monday, January 7, 2013

Oh look... the GOP's in meltdown again..

The GOP's target of the week:  Chuck Hagel.  A Republican and a man of honor.  I've always liked him.  He's a Viet Nam vet; he's been a senator.  He's an independent thinker who speaks his mind and doesn't necessarily follow the party line. His former GOP colleagues don't like him because President Obama does.   I loved it when he spoke against McCain's choice for Vice President.  His friendship with McCain didn't appear to influence his opinion or his comments.  I like that about him.

McCain made a mantra out of straight talk.  Hagel apparently just lives it.  Good choice for SecDef.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Rape Culture

A 23 year old student in New Delhi publicly gang raped and beaten on a bus died of her injuries. Six men face the death penalty if convicted.  One rapist/killer arrogantly admitted to the crime and clearly didn't care he did it.

Jerry Sandusky was convicted and sentenced for molesting boys in his care.  There were those at Penn State who apparently knew and enabled him.

A student in Steubenville, OH was allegedly raped by two students on the football team.  Both students accused are black; however it appears that others might be involved and the sheriff isn't going to investigate further. The sheriff is now under fire for how he handled the investigation.  The kids involved are 16.

In October of last year, two US servicemen were arrested on suspicion of raping a girl in Okinawa.

During the 2012 campaign, Todd Akin spewed forth his notion of "legitimate rape" on the country.  He thought the body had a way of "shutting that whole thing down" so that a woman couldn't possibly become pregnant from such a horrific crime.  Needless to say, Claire McCaskill won.

A flyer was found in a men's bathroom on the campus of Miami University of Ohio entitled, "The Top 10 Ways to Get Away With Rape", listing such things as using date rape drugs to begin with, all the way to slitting her throat if the victim identifies her rapist.

A 17 year old gang-rape victim in India committed suicide after she was pressured by law enforcement to marry one of her rapists.

A woman in Alaska had drinks at a bar with a couple of men, continued the party at her home, passed out, waking up later to find she had been raped and her child's Christmas presents were stolen.

Additionally, two more women were raped Christmas Day, well one was 15 years old.  The accused rapist of the 15 year old had just been arrested earlier for domestic violence against an eleven year old.

Sandra Fluke speaks out on women's health issues and gets publicly flogged by Limbaugh on his radio show.    Despite sponsors leaving him, he's still on the air.

GOP members of the House are blocking the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act because they view the inclusion of protecting Native American women as unconstitutional.  New language also protects LGBT and undocumented women.  They apparently don't like that language either.  

This is just an excuse for misogynists to win.  Whether we call it the War on Women, or Rape Culture, it's all the same thing.  We denigrate, dismiss and disregard the essential right of women to be safe and protected from harm.  A recent case in California proves that we still have laws on the books that do not protect women.  A law from 1872 was used by the California State Appeals Court to overturn a rape conviction of a guy who gained entry to a woman's bedroom while she was asleep, began to rape her.  She realized it wasn't her boyfriend when light from a window revealed the face of her rapist.  That archaic law doesn't protect her because she is "unmarried".  So now there's going to be a re-trial.  How will prosecutors get around this? 

Will we ever be safe?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

To recap...

So, we got the fiscal cliff deal; Boehner told Reid to go F**K himself; Reid reportedly threw the President's bill in a burning fireplace; Christie learned what it is to be a Republican when no Sandy relief came his state's way; the GOP said fuck you to women (there, I said it) when they didn't re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act; payroll taxes are going up; President Obama said he won't negotiate on the debt ceiling; Boehner says he will never again negotiate one on one with the President; No one likes Luke Russert or SE Cupp (lovingly known on Twitter as Sippy Cupp); lots of petitions to the White House including the rescheduling of cannabis, secession by various states, changing our gun laws to protect children etc., and of course my personal favorite, building a Death Star; Women replaced misogynists in Congress (Yay both Tammys); many Tea Party favorites were voted out of office (Rep. Paul Broun R GA didn't get the memo because he just nominated creepy Allen West for Speaker).

You know what would be nice?  Re-authorize VAWA.  Otherwise, that whole War on Women thing is only going to get worse.  We've had enough. Seriously.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Fiscal Deal so far...

The House is currently meeting about the deal struck between the White House and the Senate.  Slate's  has the latest on that deal.  The ending is fun.  Give it a read...