Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stupid Approaches to Marijuana

I just finished reading an article in Huffington Post from cannabis activist Russ Belville about Patrick Kennedy's new program called SAM - Smart Approaches to Marijuana.  It's frightening.  There's nothing smart about it.  So will this be the last ditch attempt to control cannabis users?  Unfortunately, it's probably just one more in a long line of ridiculous measures of control that are as insulting as they are useless.  

Cannabis is a plant.  It is not a drug.  I am not a drug addict.  I am a RA patient who either wouldn't be alive now, or would be even more seriously ill than I was, if I hadn't begun medicating with cannabis.  Eleven years of hell, with the eleventh year worse than the other ten combined.  Nothing was working.  Nothing.  And Mr. Kennedy wants to consider ME an addict?  Is he kidding?  

He's as confused as everyone else is in the government.  We were lied to folks, and all Mr. Kennedy is doing is perpetuating that lie.  Maybe he should, you know, research this plant.  Talk to patients.  Talk to doctors who recommend it.  Talk to people who have survived cancer using concentrated cannabis oil.  This happens all the time now.  

Cannabis is NOT addictive.  What cannabis does, is heal the body.  I don't are if anyone believes me.  I know it does this because I'm living proof.  So Mr. Kennedy, find something else to do.  It should be easy enough.  Please just leave the rest of us alone.  And Russ, thanks for your continued voice in this battle.  The link to his article is below:


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