Thursday, January 3, 2013

To recap...

So, we got the fiscal cliff deal; Boehner told Reid to go F**K himself; Reid reportedly threw the President's bill in a burning fireplace; Christie learned what it is to be a Republican when no Sandy relief came his state's way; the GOP said fuck you to women (there, I said it) when they didn't re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act; payroll taxes are going up; President Obama said he won't negotiate on the debt ceiling; Boehner says he will never again negotiate one on one with the President; No one likes Luke Russert or SE Cupp (lovingly known on Twitter as Sippy Cupp); lots of petitions to the White House including the rescheduling of cannabis, secession by various states, changing our gun laws to protect children etc., and of course my personal favorite, building a Death Star; Women replaced misogynists in Congress (Yay both Tammys); many Tea Party favorites were voted out of office (Rep. Paul Broun R GA didn't get the memo because he just nominated creepy Allen West for Speaker).

You know what would be nice?  Re-authorize VAWA.  Otherwise, that whole War on Women thing is only going to get worse.  We've had enough. Seriously.

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