I love President Obama. I really do. I think he's just awesome. I love his family. And I really love Uncle Joe. We couldn't have better people in office right now. However....please stop the arrest/trial/conviction of legal dispensary owners.
A letter appeared in Huffington Post, written by Molly Davies who asked the President why her husband faces 10 years in federal prison for simply following California's medical cannabis laws. It was heartbreaking to read how terrified she and her children are regarding their future. If it's true that DOJ has bigger fish to fry as you told Barbara Walters, then for heaven's sake, this guy isn't it.
All he wanted to do was to help people who would benefit from cannabis. This is huge deal, Mr. President. Surely you realize this. Dispensary owners are not traffickers. And, if you think this isn't going to affect patients (you remember them, they're the people with cancer, alzheimers, arthritis, celiac, crohns, diabetes, PTSD, etc) you're seriously mistaken. Not everyone can grow their own medicine, Mr. President. Those of us fortunate enough to do so spend a fortune doing this.
I get that you have to enforce federal law. But if you aren't going to go to court to enforce DOMA, then why this? Cannabis should have never been taken from us. It was politics and greed that motivated its prohibition. Read Molly's letter. Let it sicken you. Because it should. You said you wouldn't go after anyone who was following state law. I know you're a man of your word. Don't fall short; be that man now.
Here's the link to Molly's letter:
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