Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Grow Journal - Day 15 of Flower

Fifteen days into flower..the ladies look divine! LED lighting certainly agrees with them. , We're continuing to water with Sucanat, B1, Silica Blast, and Liquid Karma. The Sucanat is the coolest thing though..stimulates all kinds of microbial growth. Best thing we ever added. Supercharges the microbes..like giving them a big dish of ice cream! The smallest buds are on Dr. Who..maybe it's the placement in the room. I've never grown Dr. Who before, so maybe it's like Jack The Ripper, and it grows more slowly.

And now for the ladies!

9lb Hammer - day 8
9lb Hammer - day 15

Cuvee' - day 8
Cuvee' - day 15

Dr. Who - day 15
Dr. Who - day 8

Galactic Jack - day 8
Galactic Jack - day 15

Honeymoon Mix - day 8
Honeymoon Mix - day 15

Mickey Kush - day 15
Mickey Kush - day 8

Two weeks into bud development..not bad at all. And I swear to Goddess these plants are almost as tall as me..

One more thing..the worms are doing really well. We've added all the trays now and the bottom tray is just about to be ready with worm castings. Then I can make tea!

third tray
bottom tray

~Blessed Be the Garden!

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