Thursday, May 29, 2014

Grow Journal - Day 25 of Flower

Everything is growing so well under LED lighting. I don't regret buying them. Both Honeymoon Mix and 9lb Hammer are almost as tall as I am. And we had to raise the lights again. We continue to water with Sucanat because they seem to love that. You can buy it in the sugar section of your local grocery store. I highly recommend it. We watered the vegetables out in the greenhouse with Sucanat and we could see immediate results on the tomato plants as well as the watermelon plants. Very cool indeed!

And now for the ladies:
9lb Hammer

9lb Hammer - day 15
9lb Hammer - day 25

Mickey Kush

Mickey Kush - day 15
Mickey Kush - day 25

Dr. Who

Dr. Who - day 15
Dr. Who - day 25

Honeymoon Mix

Honeymoon Mix - day 15
Honeymoon Mix - day 25


Cuvee' - day 15
Cuvee - day 25

Galactic Jack

Galactic Jack - day 15
Galactic Jack - day 25

Bud structure continues to develop well under the Dominators. I couldn't be happier with the progress. We added Super Soil on top for more nutrients to finish out flowering. All we water with is Sucanat and some B-1. We make the Super Soil, and at some point, we'll start using the worm castings from our worm farm in the blend. Not to mention some worm casting tea! And as always, a shout-out of gratitude to SubCool and MizJill at TGA Genetics. Their seeds are awesome and I wouldn't be as well as I am without them!

It's a Lush life!

~Blessed Be the garden!

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