It's through tears that I write this..the House of Representatives voted yesterday to stop federal persecution of cannabis patients and their caregivers in states where medical cannabis is legal. It's not final yet, but this is the furthest we've come yet on the federal level. Support for at least leaving patients alone is at an all time high, so this is really great news. Legalization is coming as well. Ideally, removing cannabis from the federal drug schedule would help immensely. I have to believe that this will happen soon as well.
With any luck, the folks up in Washington State due to be in federal court in July for following their state's medical cannabis laws to the letter, will see that drama end before it begins. The judge ruled that they cannot use this fact as an affirmative defense, so the trial date was set. How about they "un-set" the date and tell these nice folks that they can go back to doing what they were legally doing in the first place.
Thanks to Oregon's Representatives for their support on the amendment. But special thanks needs to be given to Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Sam Farr (D-CA) for their work on this amendment. Thank you so much. The momentum is increasing. Folks serving time for cannabis should be released. The insanity must stop so truth can prevail, and yesterday, we got a little bit closer to that happening!
Moving back into the light and outside of the box... Except...there is no box.

Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Grow Journal - Day 25 of Flower
Everything is growing so well under LED lighting. I don't regret buying them. Both Honeymoon Mix and 9lb Hammer are almost as tall as I am. And we had to raise the lights again. We continue to water with Sucanat because they seem to love that. You can buy it in the sugar section of your local grocery store. I highly recommend it. We watered the vegetables out in the greenhouse with Sucanat and we could see immediate results on the tomato plants as well as the watermelon plants. Very cool indeed!
And now for the ladies:
And now for the ladies:
9lb Hammer
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9lb Hammer - day 15 |
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9lb Hammer - day 25 |
Mickey Kush
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Mickey Kush - day 15 |
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Mickey Kush - day 25 |
Dr. Who
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Dr. Who - day 15 |
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Dr. Who - day 25 |
Honeymoon Mix
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Honeymoon Mix - day 15 |
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Honeymoon Mix - day 25 |
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Cuvee' - day 15 |
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Cuvee - day 25 |
Galactic Jack
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Galactic Jack - day 15 |
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Galactic Jack - day 25 |
Bud structure continues to develop well under the Dominators. I couldn't be happier with the progress. We added Super Soil on top for more nutrients to finish out flowering. All we water with is Sucanat and some B-1. We make the Super Soil, and at some point, we'll start using the worm castings from our worm farm in the blend. Not to mention some worm casting tea! And as always, a shout-out of gratitude to SubCool and MizJill at TGA Genetics. Their seeds are awesome and I wouldn't be as well as I am without them!
It's a Lush life!
~Blessed Be the garden!
Monday, May 26, 2014
You know, women really have had enough of this crap..
So an idiot decides to take out some sorority girls because they don't like him. And conservatives on Twitter are now using the hashtag #YesAllWomen to say some really snarky things to women for speaking out about the mass shooting where seven people were murdered by this dumbass. Most of the tweets using the hashtag were in support of women. Thank the Goddess for that at least. And then there was the conservative pundit Dana something or other who really went after women on Twitter. Not a day goes by it seems that I'm not reminded by Madeleine Albright's comment about a special place in hell for women who don't help other women. And at a time where people died at the hands of a lunatic! Where is her compassion? Where is her moral compass?
I mean, when guys act this way, it's not really surprising anymore. Just look at the Open Carry guys. They're targeting any woman who speaks out against them, threatening rape, murder and anything else they can come up with, as a means to silence any voice against what they want to do. "White Male Entitlement" I've heard it called. It's what happens when guys become afraid, I guess. And misogyny seems to rule the day with many of them.
Well, here's the thing. Women are so sick of all the men..and, sadly, other women, who behave this way. Your antics are embarrassing. Your comments are abusive. We're sick of being threatened for speaking out. The Constitution of this great country gives EVERYONE the right to express themselves. Not just the morons with the biggest guns, or the most money. SCOTUS would do well to remember that fact as well and stop ruling in ways that undermine the balance our Constitution provides. We're not sluts, nor are we going to sit back any longer and take the bullshit you're dishing out.
A heavy price will be paid by those who are so hurtful. I believe that will begin happening in November. The GOP's efforts to manipulate women into believing they actually care about them are backfiring in a huge way. We saw you coming a long time ago. We know exactly who you are and we believe nothing you say. You have no place in polite society until you can truly change your hearts and stop all this abusive and oppressive nonsense.
And while the families of the slain are grieving, could all of you just shut the fuck up and go hug your mothers, sisters, wives, partners..and tell them you love them. Because we're having a hard time believing that these days..
I mean, when guys act this way, it's not really surprising anymore. Just look at the Open Carry guys. They're targeting any woman who speaks out against them, threatening rape, murder and anything else they can come up with, as a means to silence any voice against what they want to do. "White Male Entitlement" I've heard it called. It's what happens when guys become afraid, I guess. And misogyny seems to rule the day with many of them.
Well, here's the thing. Women are so sick of all the men..and, sadly, other women, who behave this way. Your antics are embarrassing. Your comments are abusive. We're sick of being threatened for speaking out. The Constitution of this great country gives EVERYONE the right to express themselves. Not just the morons with the biggest guns, or the most money. SCOTUS would do well to remember that fact as well and stop ruling in ways that undermine the balance our Constitution provides. We're not sluts, nor are we going to sit back any longer and take the bullshit you're dishing out.
A heavy price will be paid by those who are so hurtful. I believe that will begin happening in November. The GOP's efforts to manipulate women into believing they actually care about them are backfiring in a huge way. We saw you coming a long time ago. We know exactly who you are and we believe nothing you say. You have no place in polite society until you can truly change your hearts and stop all this abusive and oppressive nonsense.
And while the families of the slain are grieving, could all of you just shut the fuck up and go hug your mothers, sisters, wives, partners..and tell them you love them. Because we're having a hard time believing that these days..
Friday, May 23, 2014
Runecasting - 3 Rune Spread
I decided to do a three-rune spread today, which I haven't done in a while. I included some crystals that represent each of the runes I drew. Nauthiz - Apache Tears, Mannaz - an amethyst skull, merkaba and pyramid, and Algiz - a Selenite sphere for its Moon Tarot correspondence. A three-rune spread suggests balance to me, which the crystals can help bring about.
Nauthiz, or need, represents absolute necessity, or that which we need to survive. It's the "doing whatever needs to be done" attitude. Nauthiz indicates as well the fundamental realities that govern our existence in the universe. And it also may reflect an inner struggle that arises when our needs conflict with our desires.
Mannaz, or humankind, illustrates the human condition..our intelligence, our memories. It's thought and the behavior which results. Mannaz suggests a progression, or return if you will, from our individuality back to our collective consciousness as we understand our collective reality.
Algiz, is represented by the White Elk, a symbol for our Higher Self. It facilitates the connection with the sacred space where alignment with Source is most felt..the divine sacred energy that connects us all.
I love synchronicity. It allows us to experience our connectedness as we go about our day. If we're all part of the same energy, it makes sense that we would experience this more and more as the frequency rises. The need to survive Nauthiz speaks of, is more than a physical survival. It's a spiritual one. It's a remembrance of why we're here in the first place, and what our real focus should be. Mannaz opens us up to that remembrance of our collective consciousness. And Algiz represents our inevitable alignment with Source. In effect, our most primal need is to remember who we are as an extension of Source. As we do that, we awaken to our true reality, our Higher Self.
The physical world is but a projection and at some point, we will have no choice but to acknowledge this. Our collective energy created this to experience duality. But that's all it experience. It's not reality. Reality is reflected in today's runecast. As we begin to feel the resonance within, it will reflect in our outward behavior. And compassion will return, as we align with Source.
As I draw them, I never know what insight the runes will share. But I'm never disappointed. There's always something to learn, and in today's spread, remember.
~ Blessed Be the Runes! ✵☽✺☾✵
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Grow Journal - Day 15 of Flower
Fifteen days into flower..the ladies look divine! LED lighting certainly agrees with them. , We're continuing to water with Sucanat, B1, Silica Blast, and Liquid Karma. The Sucanat is the coolest thing though..stimulates all kinds of microbial growth. Best thing we ever added. Supercharges the giving them a big dish of ice cream! The smallest buds are on Dr. Who..maybe it's the placement in the room. I've never grown Dr. Who before, so maybe it's like Jack The Ripper, and it grows more slowly.
And now for the ladies!
Two weeks into bud development..not bad at all. And I swear to Goddess these plants are almost as tall as me..
One more thing..the worms are doing really well. We've added all the trays now and the bottom tray is just about to be ready with worm castings. Then I can make tea!
~Blessed Be the Garden!
And now for the ladies!
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9lb Hammer - day 8 |
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9lb Hammer - day 15 |
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Cuvee' - day 8 |
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Cuvee' - day 15 |
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Dr. Who - day 15 |
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Dr. Who - day 8 |
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Galactic Jack - day 8 |
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Galactic Jack - day 15 |
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Honeymoon Mix - day 8 |
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Honeymoon Mix - day 15 |
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Mickey Kush - day 15 |
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Mickey Kush - day 8 |
One more thing..the worms are doing really well. We've added all the trays now and the bottom tray is just about to be ready with worm castings. Then I can make tea!
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third tray |
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bottom tray |
~Blessed Be the Garden!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Parenting and Cannabis
If people would simply stop lying about cannabis, so much would be resolved. A parent using cannabis for recreation is no different than a parent who has a beer after work. Well, at least cannabis is healthy..not so sure about the beer. But then I'm biased..I've never liked the taste of beer. And I don't drink anymore, so there's that. It's not a hard and fast rule, but I feel better when I don't drink alcohol.
Anyway, I read that in Colorado, our legalization Mecca, a bill was introduced which, if passed, will potentially complicate everyone's lives there. It seems that some lawmakers think that if a parent uses a controlled substance (which unless I missed something, cannabis is just that), medically or otherwise, it's time to take the kids away. SB 178, a gem of a bill, defines a "drug endangered child" and imposes criminal penalties on the child's parents if manufacturing or possessing controlled substances. Cannabis is a federally controlled substance, even though it's legal in Colorado. Although the bill's author seems to suggest that this doesn't apply to cannabis, no one really believes that.
I agree that kids shouldn't be around certain drugs. You know, like heroin, cocaine, meth and drugs like those. But cannabis is not a drug. It's a plant. Yes it has psychoactive properties. It also has medicinal properties. Typically we don't see the level of spousal abuse amongst those who use cannabis that we do with those who use alcohol. Plus, there's the added benefit of no addiction. And we have cannabinoid receptors all over the place that are just waiting to connect with the various compounds found in cannabis. It's what keeps us healthy. It's so funny that since I became a patient four years ago, my health has returned, so much so that I walk eight miles every morning. Right..cannabis is a bad thing..
It seems to me that every time something positive happens with respect to cannabis, some lawmaker finds a ridiculous way to circumvent it. If cannabis is legal in Colorado, then you can't take away kids from parents who use it. You can't make it impossible for parents who are also patients to use cannabis medicinally to deal with their health issues. They shouldn't have to fear losing their kids while getting well. No other patients have to deal with these kinds of things. Cannabis patients should be no different. If SB 178 doesn't apply to anyone using cannabis, then revise the bill to include that specific language. Otherwise, Coloradoans who use cannabis are at risk. Surely there are other laws on the books that define what "drug endangered" children are along with penalties for those who disregard them. Why does it need redefinition?
Last summer, the Oregon legislature legalized dispensaries. We voted them down, but they sprung up anyway, and the legislature decided to do something positive for all of us by legalizing them. And then, just before the application process began in March, they decided to let local areas temporarily ban them for one year. Never mind that they had roughly nine months to get used to the idea. And never mind that they looked the other way as the dispensaries opened without benefit of law. Now they suddenly are so overwhelmed by the possibility of a dispensary opening (or continuing to operate) that, oh my Goddess, they have to have a moratorium on them for a while longer. Spare me.
Washington state, our legalization problem child to the north, has legal patients who are going to trial federally in July, I believe, for following state medical cannabis laws to the letter. So, if this can happen in Washington, it can happen in Colorado as well. I also read an article that suggested the Feds might not deliver water to cannabis growers up in Washington as well. In my opinion, this is chicken shit. The Federal Government is going to have to deal with legalization sooner than later. They know it's safe and they know it cures all kinds of things. People are incarcerated for nothing at all. Lives are continuing to be ruined..all to preserve a lie told long ago.
Cannabis users are not criminals, nor are we unfit parents. Isn't it time the charade stopped?
End prohibition. Live in truth and with integrity. Legalize cannabis.
Anyway, I read that in Colorado, our legalization Mecca, a bill was introduced which, if passed, will potentially complicate everyone's lives there. It seems that some lawmakers think that if a parent uses a controlled substance (which unless I missed something, cannabis is just that), medically or otherwise, it's time to take the kids away. SB 178, a gem of a bill, defines a "drug endangered child" and imposes criminal penalties on the child's parents if manufacturing or possessing controlled substances. Cannabis is a federally controlled substance, even though it's legal in Colorado. Although the bill's author seems to suggest that this doesn't apply to cannabis, no one really believes that.
I agree that kids shouldn't be around certain drugs. You know, like heroin, cocaine, meth and drugs like those. But cannabis is not a drug. It's a plant. Yes it has psychoactive properties. It also has medicinal properties. Typically we don't see the level of spousal abuse amongst those who use cannabis that we do with those who use alcohol. Plus, there's the added benefit of no addiction. And we have cannabinoid receptors all over the place that are just waiting to connect with the various compounds found in cannabis. It's what keeps us healthy. It's so funny that since I became a patient four years ago, my health has returned, so much so that I walk eight miles every morning. Right..cannabis is a bad thing..
It seems to me that every time something positive happens with respect to cannabis, some lawmaker finds a ridiculous way to circumvent it. If cannabis is legal in Colorado, then you can't take away kids from parents who use it. You can't make it impossible for parents who are also patients to use cannabis medicinally to deal with their health issues. They shouldn't have to fear losing their kids while getting well. No other patients have to deal with these kinds of things. Cannabis patients should be no different. If SB 178 doesn't apply to anyone using cannabis, then revise the bill to include that specific language. Otherwise, Coloradoans who use cannabis are at risk. Surely there are other laws on the books that define what "drug endangered" children are along with penalties for those who disregard them. Why does it need redefinition?
Last summer, the Oregon legislature legalized dispensaries. We voted them down, but they sprung up anyway, and the legislature decided to do something positive for all of us by legalizing them. And then, just before the application process began in March, they decided to let local areas temporarily ban them for one year. Never mind that they had roughly nine months to get used to the idea. And never mind that they looked the other way as the dispensaries opened without benefit of law. Now they suddenly are so overwhelmed by the possibility of a dispensary opening (or continuing to operate) that, oh my Goddess, they have to have a moratorium on them for a while longer. Spare me.
Washington state, our legalization problem child to the north, has legal patients who are going to trial federally in July, I believe, for following state medical cannabis laws to the letter. So, if this can happen in Washington, it can happen in Colorado as well. I also read an article that suggested the Feds might not deliver water to cannabis growers up in Washington as well. In my opinion, this is chicken shit. The Federal Government is going to have to deal with legalization sooner than later. They know it's safe and they know it cures all kinds of things. People are incarcerated for nothing at all. Lives are continuing to be ruined..all to preserve a lie told long ago.
Cannabis users are not criminals, nor are we unfit parents. Isn't it time the charade stopped?
End prohibition. Live in truth and with integrity. Legalize cannabis.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
On the day before Mother's Day..
I'm always uncomfortable around this time of the year. My mother used to say Mother's Day was "just another day". I would cringe because I knew it was more about her behavior as my mother than mine as her daughter. I always bought her a present and tried to make her happy. Unfortunately, I was trying to connect with someone who found nurturing challenging. Even when my parents divorced, she wasn't happy on that day. She died in 1996. Her birthday was two days ago. Had she lived, she would have turned 84.
When the boys were young, we made a big deal out of Mother's Day and Father's Day. Their Dad would take them to the store and buy flowers to plant on Mother's Day and we'd have a nice lunch or dinner. Father's Day was typically a barbeque or something. We never had the money to go anywhere, so we celebrated at home. Just being together as a family seemed enough. Our birth families were so dysfunctional that I suppose we tried to create a family of our own...without any of the drama we both grew up with.
But then college happened and everything changed. And now I find myself, the day before Mother's Day, hearing my mother's voice echoing in my heart. It's just another day. Because that's what it feels like. A mountain range separates us now, but the road goes both ways. The effort should as well.
The last year has been one of total transition for us. We received an eviction notice from our landlord at the commercial space we were renting after complaining to the city that the guy in back was poisoning us with styrene fumes (which is against city code as well as against all decency). After almost 14 years in business, we had to close because we couldn't financially survive the move. Our business was seasonal and we typically had to make 5 months of income last for 12 and we were coming out of winter on the previous year's money, so there was no time to move and bank what we needed for the following winter. Signing a year lease with someone didn't seem responsible, so we reluctantly closed our business and retired..about five years sooner than we intended to. By the time Mother's Day arrived, we were completely out of there and back home. We didn't celebrate that day..the loss was just too staggering.
Although we've certainly accepted what's happened, and are actually much happier than we were while in that business, it's definitely been a transition for us. It would have been nice to have our boys close by, but it is what it is. Kids grow up and move away. They're both busy in their lives and both have new jobs which is very cool, and we couldn't be more proud of them. And the last thing they need to worry about is their parents. But then Mother's Day arrives, followed by Father's Day and when we don't see them, feelings of loss abound.
Here's the thing that kids need to know when they become adults. Your parents still need you in their lives. Yes, it's different when you're an adult. It's not like you end your relationship with your parents when you become adults. You begin a new one. One of reciprocity. And then, when we become old and decrepit, it becomes more one-sided again..with you guys in the driver's seat. It's the circle of life. It's how it's supposed to work.
For women, life is one continuing transition, from childhood through adulthood. In Wicca, it's represented by the Triple Goddess, or Maiden, Mother and Crone. It's a confusing process, for sure. We're conflicted as to our roles and how they play out. Society doesn't help by trying to oppress and judge us at every turn. When we reach our Crone years, as I have, we see more clearly the circle of life played out in front of us. We have become wise women. How can we not be after living through all that we have? We know that family is the nucleus of everything, and connection is vital.
In truth, Mother's Day should celebrate the nurturer in us all, and offer an opportunity to extend love and gratitude to everyone in our lives. That's our purpose here, particularly now as the old era is giving way to the new. The Divine Feminine exists in everyone. Compassion will replace oppression as we go forward together in oneness. Celebrating Mother's Day as well as Father's Day next month is another way to express to those who nurture us along in life that we love and appreciate them. And what's better than that?
~Blessed Be
When the boys were young, we made a big deal out of Mother's Day and Father's Day. Their Dad would take them to the store and buy flowers to plant on Mother's Day and we'd have a nice lunch or dinner. Father's Day was typically a barbeque or something. We never had the money to go anywhere, so we celebrated at home. Just being together as a family seemed enough. Our birth families were so dysfunctional that I suppose we tried to create a family of our own...without any of the drama we both grew up with.
But then college happened and everything changed. And now I find myself, the day before Mother's Day, hearing my mother's voice echoing in my heart. It's just another day. Because that's what it feels like. A mountain range separates us now, but the road goes both ways. The effort should as well.
The last year has been one of total transition for us. We received an eviction notice from our landlord at the commercial space we were renting after complaining to the city that the guy in back was poisoning us with styrene fumes (which is against city code as well as against all decency). After almost 14 years in business, we had to close because we couldn't financially survive the move. Our business was seasonal and we typically had to make 5 months of income last for 12 and we were coming out of winter on the previous year's money, so there was no time to move and bank what we needed for the following winter. Signing a year lease with someone didn't seem responsible, so we reluctantly closed our business and retired..about five years sooner than we intended to. By the time Mother's Day arrived, we were completely out of there and back home. We didn't celebrate that day..the loss was just too staggering.
Although we've certainly accepted what's happened, and are actually much happier than we were while in that business, it's definitely been a transition for us. It would have been nice to have our boys close by, but it is what it is. Kids grow up and move away. They're both busy in their lives and both have new jobs which is very cool, and we couldn't be more proud of them. And the last thing they need to worry about is their parents. But then Mother's Day arrives, followed by Father's Day and when we don't see them, feelings of loss abound.
Here's the thing that kids need to know when they become adults. Your parents still need you in their lives. Yes, it's different when you're an adult. It's not like you end your relationship with your parents when you become adults. You begin a new one. One of reciprocity. And then, when we become old and decrepit, it becomes more one-sided again..with you guys in the driver's seat. It's the circle of life. It's how it's supposed to work.
For women, life is one continuing transition, from childhood through adulthood. In Wicca, it's represented by the Triple Goddess, or Maiden, Mother and Crone. It's a confusing process, for sure. We're conflicted as to our roles and how they play out. Society doesn't help by trying to oppress and judge us at every turn. When we reach our Crone years, as I have, we see more clearly the circle of life played out in front of us. We have become wise women. How can we not be after living through all that we have? We know that family is the nucleus of everything, and connection is vital.
In truth, Mother's Day should celebrate the nurturer in us all, and offer an opportunity to extend love and gratitude to everyone in our lives. That's our purpose here, particularly now as the old era is giving way to the new. The Divine Feminine exists in everyone. Compassion will replace oppression as we go forward together in oneness. Celebrating Mother's Day as well as Father's Day next month is another way to express to those who nurture us along in life that we love and appreciate them. And what's better than that?
~Blessed Be
Monday, May 5, 2014
New Grow Journal!! 1st day of flower!
The ladies are ready for flowering! They've been grown under LED exclusively since they were seedlings. I'm so pleased with the Dominator XL's I'm using from Lush Lighting. LED has really become the way to grow. They're still really expensive, but at some point they'll start to come down in price. Even at current prices, they're well worth the investment. Plus they have less of a carbon footprint than other lights have, so there's that.
Here's a shot of the room from above the canopy..
This grow is special because each strain is new. 9lb Hammer, Cuvee', Mickey Kush, Honeymoon Mix, Galactic Jack, and Dr. Who are growing well and I can't wait to see how the buds develop. Here's a shot of each plant at the beginning of flower:
As always, our strains are from TGA Genetics Subcool Seeds. Sub and MizJill are so caring and awesome and work tirelessly creating medicinal cannabis seeds for patients. Their quality has made all the difference, and somehow thank you doesn't seem to be enough, but I extend my appreciation and gratitude anyway.
And lastly, another shot of the room:
Here's a shot of the room from above the canopy..
This grow is special because each strain is new. 9lb Hammer, Cuvee', Mickey Kush, Honeymoon Mix, Galactic Jack, and Dr. Who are growing well and I can't wait to see how the buds develop. Here's a shot of each plant at the beginning of flower:
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9lb Hammer |
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Cuvee' |
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Dr. Who |
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Galactic Jack |
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Honeymoon Mix |
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Mickey Kush |
As always, our strains are from TGA Genetics Subcool Seeds. Sub and MizJill are so caring and awesome and work tirelessly creating medicinal cannabis seeds for patients. Their quality has made all the difference, and somehow thank you doesn't seem to be enough, but I extend my appreciation and gratitude anyway.
And lastly, another shot of the room:
Blessed Be my happy garden!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Creating altars..
Altars are fun to create. I try to create one daily to study correspondences for each day of the week. They can center around Sabbats and Esbats as well. Colors, crystals, Tarot, Runes, incense, herbs, tools, and deities are among the correspondences to consider. Elements and moon phase are also important when creating an altar. They can be simple or elaborate. I tend to get carried away with different crystals because I love them so much.
Since today is Sunday, here is today's altar:
The colors for Sunday are gold and orange, I used two of each color for the chime candles. Gold also represents the metal correspondence. Sunday is represented by the Fire Element, so I used red stones, carnelian and red jaspar, to represent Fire. I love spheres, so I used several, with the white moonstone sphere in the center of the pentacle altar tile representing purity and the Akasha Element.
I included fresh juniper in the cauldron to represent Sunday's herb. Yellow daffodils and the Sun Witch Rune represent the Sun. The selenite wand represents today's magickal tool, as well as the Queen of Wands Tarot card. Strength, The Emperor and The Sun are also included.
As the moon is waxing crescent, magicks of increase and resolve are represented by both the Sun (success/progress) and Two Rings (love, relationships) Witch Runes. Additionally, I've included five Runes. Thurisaz, Kenaz and Nauthiz represent the Fire Element along with magicks of protection, positive change and new beginnings. Sowilo represents the Air Element and influences magicks of strength, self-confidence, spiritual direction. Inguz (or Ingwaz) finishes the balance by representing both Earth and Water Elements. Strength, success are its magickal influences.
I love dragons, and I included them as today's mythological being. Myrrh essential oil is simmering above one dragon as today's perfume in lieu of incense. A small bowl of red salt represents both Earth and Fire Elements. Lastly, if you look closely, I inscribed a bindrune representing today's Runes on the white candle holders. Bindrunes are really cool to make by combining runes together..sort of like reducing numbers to their lowest common denominator. They represent the blending of today's magickal influences using my favorite divination tool. I love Runes..whether they be Futhark, Witch or anything else. Symbols, numbers..they all have meaning and frequency, so I always include them.
We're all part of the same God/dess energy, whether in human form or otherwise. In my view, the altar represents balance and harmony, in ourselves and in the world around us. Beginning each day by creating one is a wonderful reminder and helps my focus for the remainder of the day. And I always learn something.
~ Blessed Be! ✵☽✺☾✵
Since today is Sunday, here is today's altar:
The colors for Sunday are gold and orange, I used two of each color for the chime candles. Gold also represents the metal correspondence. Sunday is represented by the Fire Element, so I used red stones, carnelian and red jaspar, to represent Fire. I love spheres, so I used several, with the white moonstone sphere in the center of the pentacle altar tile representing purity and the Akasha Element.
I included fresh juniper in the cauldron to represent Sunday's herb. Yellow daffodils and the Sun Witch Rune represent the Sun. The selenite wand represents today's magickal tool, as well as the Queen of Wands Tarot card. Strength, The Emperor and The Sun are also included.
As the moon is waxing crescent, magicks of increase and resolve are represented by both the Sun (success/progress) and Two Rings (love, relationships) Witch Runes. Additionally, I've included five Runes. Thurisaz, Kenaz and Nauthiz represent the Fire Element along with magicks of protection, positive change and new beginnings. Sowilo represents the Air Element and influences magicks of strength, self-confidence, spiritual direction. Inguz (or Ingwaz) finishes the balance by representing both Earth and Water Elements. Strength, success are its magickal influences.
I love dragons, and I included them as today's mythological being. Myrrh essential oil is simmering above one dragon as today's perfume in lieu of incense. A small bowl of red salt represents both Earth and Fire Elements. Lastly, if you look closely, I inscribed a bindrune representing today's Runes on the white candle holders. Bindrunes are really cool to make by combining runes together..sort of like reducing numbers to their lowest common denominator. They represent the blending of today's magickal influences using my favorite divination tool. I love Runes..whether they be Futhark, Witch or anything else. Symbols, numbers..they all have meaning and frequency, so I always include them.
We're all part of the same God/dess energy, whether in human form or otherwise. In my view, the altar represents balance and harmony, in ourselves and in the world around us. Beginning each day by creating one is a wonderful reminder and helps my focus for the remainder of the day. And I always learn something.
~ Blessed Be! ✵☽✺☾✵
Friday, May 2, 2014
The Blessings of Empath Children..
I have two sons..who I will refer to as the older one (O) and the younger one (Y), only because they'd be mortified if I named them. They're awesome and they think their mother is too chatty. They're both empaths, like me, but I've chosen to let them figure that out for themselves. I read and re-read a book by Polly Berrien Berrends entitled, Whole Child, Whole Parent, when the boys were young that resonated so much with how I viewed parenting and our relationship with those two amazing boys. She defines children as "seeing beings". Well, of course they are! In her view, destroying a sandcastle was just as important as building it because learning takes place either way. She stressed not making value judgments, praising or correcting what they did versus who they are, so no "bad boy" or other comments that were judgmental. I don't know if the author understood that her philosophy applied so well to raising empath kids, but it does and I recommend it highly to any parent, empath or not.
Remaining non-judgmental is important when raising empath kids. Also known as highly sensitive people, judgment is really upsetting to them. It can devastate a child like this, so words matter. Because they can, in varying degrees, experience a general sense of "knowing" about people and situations, they are particularly adept at knowing, for example, when a parent is not entirely honest with them. Because they intuitively understand the oneness we all share, to judge them upsets their very foundation where they need to feel safe.
Both O and Y experience the entire picture of a person or situation, in the same way I do. Not much escapes their awareness or their perception. They both pick up on subtleties that most don't see. They understand what others feel and have a sense of compassion and respect toward others. Both work in different areas of the technology field, O with a dual Math and Computer Science degree, and Y with an Computer Engineering degree. Their ability to see the whole picture allows them to excel in their respective positions.
O and Y are both natural martial artists. They trained at our school and O was the coolest teacher. I didn't have my Black Belt when we opened the school, so my husband was the only Instructor at that time, but sometimes O would help other students during class. He was so sweet and so positive that everyone learned from him. It took a while until I surpassed him in rank, and learning from him was precious. He began training with his dad at another school when he was four, so he knew the subject matter well. There was no attitude, just love of the art between students.
Empath kids intrinsically understand energy flow. Both were able to engage their chi without thinking about it. One time, Y was pestering O in the backyard and O finally got tired of it and executed the most perfect rear thrust kick I've ever seen, sending his younger brother flying backwards, through the air..oh it must have been at least 6 feet or better. As a Black Belt, my immediate reaction was, nice kick! But then the mother in me showed up and I had to dole out the punishment. Both were sent to their rooms for some thinking time..O for using his Kenpo instead of his words to problem solve, and Y for being a general pest. But my goodness..what a kick! It was perfection in motion! And yes, I told him that later..
Now Y, on the other hand, understood energy flow so well that when he sparred with adults, he wouldn't even look at them. He'd look in the mirrors that surrounded the training floor and win every match, every time. He was probably eight at the time, so this was particularly disturbing to the adult male students, especially when he'd be grinning from ear to ear while mopping up the floor with them. Eventually, we had to have "the talk" and he toned it down a bit.
When O was 12 and Y was 10, they came home to finish their education until it was time for college. For this mom, having the opportunity, no.. privilege, to help facilitate their education was such an honor. I watched them take their education into their own hands and run with it. Kids are natural learners and these two had the freedom to do just that. Both wrote on a college level and had been doing so while attending public school, but until I became used to their word choice, it was nerve wracking worrying that it was their own words and not copied from research material. I never should have questioned that because they wrote the way they spoke. Plus, the worst part was that I offended them in the process, and that was unacceptable. They both also took to computers like ducks to water. O woke us up during the 3:00 hour so many times to show us the new star field simulator he just made that to this day I can't sleep through that hour. Or it's the spirit activity in the house, but I digress. In any event, we always got up to see what he created. One day, one of the boys hit the dog in the eye with a ball, prompting a phone call while I was at the grocery store asking where all the books on the eye were. They also had a fascinating conversation with our vet on the telephone to share..all before I could get home. Empath kids have a drive about them..a drive to know everything and they're never satisfied until they do.
Y has an innate mechanical ability. He rebuilt his carburetor on his motorcycle when he was young, without help or instruction. He simply knew what to do. He also replaced the brake pads on one of our cars without instruction. Again, he just knew what to do. We stood a fair distance away from him, and I whispered to my husband that maybe he should go out there and check on him. My husband looked in horror at me, saying. oh no..I'm not going out there. Later when he was finished..he came in and looked at both of us, shaking his head. I looked at him defensively saying, but it's brake needs to be right. He took it personally and I got a few more looks. My husband, the smart one, knew better to even suggest that Y might not know what he was doing. The three of them built a shop as a project while they homeschooled. My husband asked Y to estimate how many sheets of plywood would be needed for the roof. Y looked up briefly and said, eight. Then his father decided to figure it out on paper. That never happened again. Y never really says anything..he just looks at you. Words aren't necessary. Besides, you don't want to debate this boy..ever. Saying he has his ducks in a row doesn't even begin to describe how prepared he is. His look says, but you know me..why are you questioning? And it's not arrogance at all. It's reality.
So much of the conversation between empaths is nonverbal in nature. We feel into each other whether we know we're doing that or not. That's where truth lies so we do it without even thinking. It's natural. Raising kids with empathic ability involves finesse. You don't name-call, you don't disrespect them, instead allowing space for their voice to emerge. I was always told to be seen and not heard when I was growing up. Those two would never experience that. Instead, they had a voice in their lives. It was, after all, their lives. They weren't our possessions..they were divine souls left in our care for a little while. We made the final decisions if necessary, but their input was always welcomed and encouraged. And when they left for college, we didn't "break the dinner plate" as some parents do and continued to help and support them during this next phase of their lives.
Mother's Day is fast approaching. Our 35th wedding anniversary is Monday. To parent these two was the most amazing thing ever. To see the men they've become makes this mom so proud. The women they've chosen to spend their lives are strong, independent, intelligent women. We couldn't ask for better partners for our sons. And if we're blessed with grandchildren, I know they'll be empaths. The vibrational frequency of the earth is rising. Children born these days are destined to bring enlightenment to this earth. Better days are ahead. Balance will return.
Blessed Be! ✵☽✺☾✵
Remaining non-judgmental is important when raising empath kids. Also known as highly sensitive people, judgment is really upsetting to them. It can devastate a child like this, so words matter. Because they can, in varying degrees, experience a general sense of "knowing" about people and situations, they are particularly adept at knowing, for example, when a parent is not entirely honest with them. Because they intuitively understand the oneness we all share, to judge them upsets their very foundation where they need to feel safe.
Both O and Y experience the entire picture of a person or situation, in the same way I do. Not much escapes their awareness or their perception. They both pick up on subtleties that most don't see. They understand what others feel and have a sense of compassion and respect toward others. Both work in different areas of the technology field, O with a dual Math and Computer Science degree, and Y with an Computer Engineering degree. Their ability to see the whole picture allows them to excel in their respective positions.
O and Y are both natural martial artists. They trained at our school and O was the coolest teacher. I didn't have my Black Belt when we opened the school, so my husband was the only Instructor at that time, but sometimes O would help other students during class. He was so sweet and so positive that everyone learned from him. It took a while until I surpassed him in rank, and learning from him was precious. He began training with his dad at another school when he was four, so he knew the subject matter well. There was no attitude, just love of the art between students.
Empath kids intrinsically understand energy flow. Both were able to engage their chi without thinking about it. One time, Y was pestering O in the backyard and O finally got tired of it and executed the most perfect rear thrust kick I've ever seen, sending his younger brother flying backwards, through the air..oh it must have been at least 6 feet or better. As a Black Belt, my immediate reaction was, nice kick! But then the mother in me showed up and I had to dole out the punishment. Both were sent to their rooms for some thinking time..O for using his Kenpo instead of his words to problem solve, and Y for being a general pest. But my goodness..what a kick! It was perfection in motion! And yes, I told him that later..
Now Y, on the other hand, understood energy flow so well that when he sparred with adults, he wouldn't even look at them. He'd look in the mirrors that surrounded the training floor and win every match, every time. He was probably eight at the time, so this was particularly disturbing to the adult male students, especially when he'd be grinning from ear to ear while mopping up the floor with them. Eventually, we had to have "the talk" and he toned it down a bit.
When O was 12 and Y was 10, they came home to finish their education until it was time for college. For this mom, having the opportunity, no.. privilege, to help facilitate their education was such an honor. I watched them take their education into their own hands and run with it. Kids are natural learners and these two had the freedom to do just that. Both wrote on a college level and had been doing so while attending public school, but until I became used to their word choice, it was nerve wracking worrying that it was their own words and not copied from research material. I never should have questioned that because they wrote the way they spoke. Plus, the worst part was that I offended them in the process, and that was unacceptable. They both also took to computers like ducks to water. O woke us up during the 3:00 hour so many times to show us the new star field simulator he just made that to this day I can't sleep through that hour. Or it's the spirit activity in the house, but I digress. In any event, we always got up to see what he created. One day, one of the boys hit the dog in the eye with a ball, prompting a phone call while I was at the grocery store asking where all the books on the eye were. They also had a fascinating conversation with our vet on the telephone to share..all before I could get home. Empath kids have a drive about them..a drive to know everything and they're never satisfied until they do.
Y has an innate mechanical ability. He rebuilt his carburetor on his motorcycle when he was young, without help or instruction. He simply knew what to do. He also replaced the brake pads on one of our cars without instruction. Again, he just knew what to do. We stood a fair distance away from him, and I whispered to my husband that maybe he should go out there and check on him. My husband looked in horror at me, saying. oh no..I'm not going out there. Later when he was finished..he came in and looked at both of us, shaking his head. I looked at him defensively saying, but it's brake needs to be right. He took it personally and I got a few more looks. My husband, the smart one, knew better to even suggest that Y might not know what he was doing. The three of them built a shop as a project while they homeschooled. My husband asked Y to estimate how many sheets of plywood would be needed for the roof. Y looked up briefly and said, eight. Then his father decided to figure it out on paper. That never happened again. Y never really says anything..he just looks at you. Words aren't necessary. Besides, you don't want to debate this boy..ever. Saying he has his ducks in a row doesn't even begin to describe how prepared he is. His look says, but you know me..why are you questioning? And it's not arrogance at all. It's reality.
So much of the conversation between empaths is nonverbal in nature. We feel into each other whether we know we're doing that or not. That's where truth lies so we do it without even thinking. It's natural. Raising kids with empathic ability involves finesse. You don't name-call, you don't disrespect them, instead allowing space for their voice to emerge. I was always told to be seen and not heard when I was growing up. Those two would never experience that. Instead, they had a voice in their lives. It was, after all, their lives. They weren't our possessions..they were divine souls left in our care for a little while. We made the final decisions if necessary, but their input was always welcomed and encouraged. And when they left for college, we didn't "break the dinner plate" as some parents do and continued to help and support them during this next phase of their lives.
Mother's Day is fast approaching. Our 35th wedding anniversary is Monday. To parent these two was the most amazing thing ever. To see the men they've become makes this mom so proud. The women they've chosen to spend their lives are strong, independent, intelligent women. We couldn't ask for better partners for our sons. And if we're blessed with grandchildren, I know they'll be empaths. The vibrational frequency of the earth is rising. Children born these days are destined to bring enlightenment to this earth. Better days are ahead. Balance will return.
Blessed Be! ✵☽✺☾✵
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